Granny's gone and done it again

how far will you need to go? And will they all fit in your trailer?
about 325 miles one way and yeppers the 5 littles in the front and mom's to be in the back.(is the plan/hope) Trailer has a gate almost in the middle of it.
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I can't decide if I should add Curly to the main herd soon or wait until after she calves since she lost her last one. Also not sure if I trust Shoe with her and a new born.

Opinion's are welcome by all.
I wouldnt take chances with any others around her. You need a birthing stall
but isnt there somewhere she could spend a month alone with the calf til it was stronger and running?

I could leave her in the rodeo grounds. Plan on adding Partly and Bubble's to the main herd soon. But, they are both open. Maybe keep those 3 together instead as yaks are a herd type animal.
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