Granny's gone and done it again

As soon as the incubator has warmed and dried out the disinfectant spray and the humidifying tray has been filled with water I'm putting 41 more eggs in tonight. Finally got my hands on some American Game Fowl eggs that I hope to cross the pullets with a Cubalaya rooster and an Ameraucana rooster with. That should give me in turn more pullets like my most loved pet "Honey" and hopefully another rooster like my Mr Muff rooster that was lost to an unknown predator.
Love my squash like that. Do you peel it?
I don't peel the yellow summer squash or zucchini unless the skin is hard from the squash being old. I just scrub it with a soft brush to get any sand or dirt off. I slice it fairly thin, saute it with bacon and onion in an iron skillet. It is a meal alone served with sliced tomato on the side.
I don't peel the yellow summer squash or zucchini unless the skin is hard from the squash being old. I just scrub it with a soft brush to get any sand or dirt off. I slice it fairly thin, saute it with bacon and onion in an iron skillet. It is a meal alone served with sliced tomato on the side.
I havent made any in a few years but I thought I had to peel it. Then it cooked away to nothing.

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