Granny's gone and done it again

I am about 1/3 of the way up the wall with siding. But got too hot so i am back inside. Husband was helping even! Quite humid today. I will go back out in a while when i quit being dizzy.
Painted my fingernails and had time to catch up! Last night was the lingerie shower, she loved it all. DD was calling it "an undies party." :lol: we were at a little b&b and DD watched movies in bed while we partied. I woke up with dry, bloodshot eyes and a headache which was totally unfair because I only drank water all night. :barnie

Being a "last single night" type of event there were paper cut-outs of boy parts hanging like garland. The paper was really pretty scrapbook stuff, so it wasn't the worst I've ever seen. But DD kept asking what the Ts stood for. Then she took 5 of them with us. :oops: We're going to cut out the letters of her name so they don't make it all the way home.

In my defense, DD was invited by the bride (so I would be able to go). I guess maybe she didn't know about the decor, or forgot.
I may be naive but what did the T's stand for?

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