Granny's gone and done it again

FB, and twitter, and other sites I don't even know, where people post their own ideas... all those sites have a special protection from the fed govt that they cannot be sued for slander or libel because they are just allowing other people to share their thoughts. They are not controlling what is said, just act like a bulletin board.
Lately most of these sites have started censoring the content of what some people post. That makes them editors controlling content rather than a benign bulletin board. Of course, as everything is these days, it has become very political. Only certain people are being censored or even removed from platforms, and so far these big companies are getting away with it. some people are looking for social media sites that are truly uncensored.
Exactly right.
Not the only one by a long shot! I don't fb either. I had an account, probably still do bc I can't figure out how to delete it but have not been there in 3 or 4 years. Don't even remember the pw. 🙄
I have heard that even if you remove your pictures and posts, they are still out there somewhere. 👽
google knows all, they record all, they sell most of it, they decide what we can and can't say and who gets to speak, and they decide what it best for us... 1984 has arrived.

hey wiretap, what’s a good recipe for pancakes? Siri hears all too...

Lol, I'm of two minds about it, not unusual since I'm bipolar, lol. I admit to being a little, um ... paranoid about technology. I have a piece of white duct tape over the "selfie" side of my phone's camera because I'm not convinced some hacker could not conceivably take pics of me without my knowledge. What, that never occurred to you? But no, I don't wear an aluminum foil hat... I'm not THAT paranoid! Will have to think about turning on the Covid tracker. What do you guys think about it? Good safety idea, or creepy governmental control?

Nope. Hackers can hijack cameras it’s true.


Smart dog!! :D

hahaha! I think he meant peckish... hungry.
Puckish means playful, especially in a mischievous way which might fit too, but then he'd stay instead of go. Puck was a character from Shakespeare? maybe? anyone?
peaked? But someone beat me to midsummer nights dream so....

ugh. Going to be an early morning tomorrow - got pulled off payroll for“special projects” so...

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