Granny's gone and done it again

Hi guys! Finally caught up, but now I'm really sleepy.
Sleepus Interruptus last night. :hmm

Its gonna rain here. :(
I thought you needed rain. You said everything was dry. I would be doing the Happy Rain Dance of Joy!

Thank you ! Their new home is ready for them so they can grow out to selling or eating size. LOL
How many do you have? Can you tell male form female angels?
Hi guys! Finally caught up, but now I'm really sleepy.
Sleepus Interruptus last night. :hmm

I thought you needed rain. You said everything was dry. I would be doing the Happy Rain Dance of Joy!

How many do you have? Can you tell male form female angels?
I didnt sleep last night either. Just couldnt fall asleep.
We do need rain the humidity just hurts my bones. We clouded up and had the humidity but it never did rain.
Cant tell male from female til they breed. Im guessing I have about 50 littles not counting the first 3 I fed yolk to. They are in a different tank. Im pretty geeked over them.

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