Granny's gone and done it again

I planted a butterfly bush about twenty years ago. It was the black knight variant. Butterflies loved it. It lasted about fifteen years then died out during the winter. It was about seven feet tall and wide after starting out as only a twig.
That's awesome. My daughter told me she cut hers back last fall, growing again. I'll probably have to keep mine back a bit where I'm putting it.
That's awesome. My daughter told me she cut hers back last fall, growing again. I'll probably have to keep mine back a bit where I'm putting it.
We have a trumpet vine that's been climbing the side of the house for years. We've hacked ut, dug it, and poisoned it and can't kill the darn thing. It's trying to take the shingles off the roof and rip the screens off the windows. And yes, the humm'birds love it! *sigh* Apparently it appreciates all the vigorous "pruning!"
I had a tooth pulled today. A first. 🥴. Hurting now that the numb is gone. I'm thinking the place he gave the shots hurts the most. I have the implant/screw in, stiches, which will come out next week. Then wait 3 months for the bone to heal around the implant and get me a new tooth. The old guy had been through a lot. So sad. First a filling. Then a root canal, then a post for a cap, and then it cracked, so out it came. Wasn't too bad .. at the time. Now...😕

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