Granny's gone and done it again

do you ever catch yourself doing autistic things? Feel like your "catching" autism from him? Robert almost has me trained to like the autistic life style. LOL
Lol, not that I'm aware of. At this point I'm carefully watching myself for signs of Alzheimer's! Yesterday I could not think of the name of Mt. Rushmore so I finally googled "mountain with four president's heads", lol! :lau
I figured you would already know that. Your very smart in the garden. Do you ever plant cherry tomatoes? I dont know what to do with them
Cherry tomatoes are good in salads. Cut em in half. Do you like feta cheese in your salad? I think cherry tomatoes like feta.
Sorry I got here so late. GirlChild had a Dr appt today (MRI on knee finally) and when I got home after taking her I found she had left her phone in my car. So after dinner we took it to her (half hour drive one way). Then had to wash eggs for delivery tomorrow,take care of wounded hen, yada yada. But I'm here now!

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