Granny's gone and done it again

Brake from gas is just habit and muscle memory. Knowing where you are is harder when you aren't driving. Just like most things, you start small, one consistent little route, and work your way outward. But if he doesn't want to learn... been there, done that. Worse than pulling teeth! But worth it in the end.
Yeah just teach him how to drive to walmart
are you ready to start packing?
Lol hey, I’m a base brat. I keep my roots shallow. Though I am pondering how I’ll move the chicken coop….
Downtown Livermore, next to the weekly farmers market.

They have a car show once a year! They closed down the roads and had dozens of cars parked along the driveways. My dad and brother like cars as well...he tried to teach me what a turbo looked like 🤣 I think I forgot...
Just think of a snail ;)
I have been getting dizzy today. My ears maybe. If I turn my head fast I feel like I will fall. this is sounding like me. Mine has been going on and off like this for years, until this past year, now it's every dang day! Some days I can't get up and around much at all. I've been to just about every specialist there is. Going to the Neurologist on the 6th. It's pretty depressing to say the least. When I take my normal old lady pills, like bp meds for instance, I feel like I've taken two lortab! My neurological NP says, oh, some folks like that. Noooo! ENT doesn't see anything. I've lost hearing in my left! They did a hearing test, yep, lost some my left ear. Isn't that what I said? Well at least it's on record if I decide to get a hearing aid. Very discouraging this feeling. Horrible actually. Sitting is the best position my head can have. No one can figure me out. 😔.

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