Granny's gone and done it again

Ok now the homeless are allowed to start fires where ever they are. Check out this post on Facebook.
Me and my husband were driving down Thornton rd. and passed Davis, across from the Valero, at the levee, we see this person starting a fire. I call 911. This is how that conversation went...

Me: HI. I just passed the levee, across from Valero, on Thornton and Davis. There is someone starting a fire on the levee. Maybe a homeless person? I'm not sure.
911: Is the person with the fire?
Me: Yes. They're starting it.
911: what are they burning?
Me: a patch of dry grass and pile of I don't know?
911: If it's an accompanied homeless fire, we don't respond.
Me: Umm, it's next to a power pole and entire levee of dry grass?
911: If it's an accompanied homeless fire, we don't respond.
Me: Okay, thanks?

When the levee lights up and you with houses near it have a fire or, that power pole goes up and pge is out, sorry, I tried. They don't respond to accompanied homeless fires.
Really what is this country coming to. I just shake my head at the stuPidity

I dont want to give them unnecessary shots though. How important are those? Bandit already had parvo
I don’t give them to my dogs but if I wanted them to go to the groomer or kennel I would have to. See about finding another groomer. They are important but as adults if they had their puppy shots they should be protected.
It's probably about liability, the groomer needs to protect herself. If your dogs get sick she doesn't want you to be able to say they picked anything up from her place. At the same time, she doesn't want unvaccinated dogs contaminating her premises. But she certainly should have been forthcoming to begin with about what was required.
@chickentrains, can you get some kind of trunk that you can put a lock on to keep your snack and food in? Obvi, you won't be able to keep cold food in it, but just pantry stuff you could, eh?
great idea, thank you.

I usually buy granola bars, pistachios, cheezits, stuff like that. I also like those little protien snack packs and babybell cheese, but I can't hide that stuff in a locked container
There was a situation that happened where I ended up having to fork over 3 grand to my dad, a couple months ago. Since then, I've had a really hard time saving up for things, since I have to buy my food, clothes, toiletries, etc. While also putting aside money for a car. I'm up to 2 grand now, but before I make any other moves, I need a car.

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