Granny's gone and done it again

The fly was silkied? That would be an awesome looking fly! :gig

Never mind I know what you meant. 😇
Roofl yeah the wind gust be bad.

To the point we had a wildfire started :hmm got the firefighters out and all that, thankfully no animal or important stuff hurt. Not being fined because we helped and the fire was started yesterday, just the wind got a spark to jump good 10 feet. We wanted to burn some pasture but not like this, neighbor's pine tree plot only got underbrush burned Nothing else thankfully.

Here is your ridgeback.
Yes. Yes it is.
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Sorry I’ve been so silent yall. Life has been sheer unmitigated chaos, work has had me run off my feet and I swear to dog every other weekend there’s Some Big Thing.

Hopefully things will calm down after this week. As some appeasement here’s some goose and chicken pics. We’re not dead yet.
Its good to hear from you. Such a Magnificat dog. Sorry you have so much work looming on you.
Hi All. Came on to see how Granny is doing..did you have that procedure done? I hope all is well. Only two weeks..or less for Bronwyn. The Dr. will induce her on the 10th..if she hasn't had the baby by then. She's already at 1 and a half. This Thursday he will check her and strip her membranes. She's been cramping so I have to wonder I'd she makes it to the 10th. Her due date is the 17th though. Here are a couple of photos of her..with wet hair. :). She got..bigger. Still think this girl will be smaller than her Aston. He was 9 ..2. Something nice, if she does have the baby the day she's induced, that's Scott and my Anniversary. I've sure been having a hard time with the grief part lately. I thought it would be easier by now, but it seems to be getting harder. 😕 My Gracie isn't doing well. I thought she was dieing last night. The worst seizure yet. It lasted long. Then she just plopped down still for a while. She wouldn't move. I kept calling her name. Finally she raised her head. I was surprised. She shivered beside me in bed for quite a while after. She's been sick..I know when she's in a lot of pain. She gets sick and or shivers..or just crys out. I have been giving her two of the pain pills a day now. Helps. Some days, she's up and around like nothing is wrong. 🤷‍♀️ Granny, been thinking of you. Like I said, hope you're doing well. ❤️View attachment 3416950View attachment 3416951
Ive been worried about you. It went ok. they said no blockages. 2 different ct scans said there was. I bet your excited to see the new baby. Lots of pictures!!
Cyn, if you need to talk Im here.
I think I was still typing my book when you posted. I've been pretty down lately. Had a pretty bad..woozy day here and there. Stress doesn't help. Having what Gracie did last night put me into a real bad Vestibular whirlwind. See..I don't want to come on and be a downer. I'll get back to silly me. 🤪
Hoping you are feeling better soon!
Son of a sassy.

…broke a cupboard door. Garbage slide thing wasn’t back in all the way. Closed the door. Hinge ripped out.

(This happens a lot…this is just the first time the hinge went fully out. Not like I was closing it super forcefully. Sigh. Hubs is gonna gripe.)

133 forms to stuff in envelopes and label appropriately. Need to be distributed to employees on Thursday. Dog have mercy.
Son of a sassy.

…broke a cupboard door. Garbage slide thing wasn’t back in all the way. Closed the door. Hinge ripped out.

(This happens a lot…this is just the first time the hinge went fully out. Not like I was closing it super forcefully. Sigh. Hubs is gonna gripe.)

133 forms to stuff in envelopes and label appropriately. Need to be distributed to employees on Thursday. Dog have mercy.
Tell dh your just keeping him on his toes.
Stuff breaks.
133! yikes.

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