Granny's gone and done it again

My GirlChild had her cat of 10 years put to sleep today. We've been treating this cat for hyperthyroidism for about 8 months now, and lately she's been getting grumpy, restless and aggressive. She decided it's time... and the vet, listening to her heart, was amazed this cat was even alive and functioning, her valves were so bad. It's always a hard thing to do, and GC is going to miss her (cat was about 15 yo), but we are so glad we did this for her and didn't wait for her to die naturally. She was starting to suffer.
Glad Mini finally got taken care of, Cap. As sick as she was, I would be very surprised if they sent her home immediately. She'll need supportive care for a bit in recovery. Hopefully she'll be back home soon in good shape. Do you have pics of her? What is she?
She's a German Shepherd.
What a precious wee one!

Ugh. Absolutely exhausted. Soooo...Boss Lady will be running off to return Snowbird Daughter back to near Reno (good luck with that...)...I guess the house they bought her has been neglected and abandoned since before Christmas now...hence the big rush to get her back all of a sudden (yeah cause nobody thought gee she;s been down a while?) so BossMan and Snowbird Daughter will be driving back there, BossLady will be flying up either Tuesday eve (next, so when I'm going to be in sac town) or Wednesday I'm not sure, to "help out with whatever needs to be done around the house" (uh, you've abandoned it for a few months combined with insane snowfall amounts, chances are it may be beyond your help) so she wants to run payroll TUESDAY. giving me ONE DAY. ONE DAY.

I already warned hubs my monday was going to suck. Thank gosh we're expecting more rain so it should be a slow week this week....

I am beyond freaking furious.

To complicate matters even further...Crazy White Chicken was acting a bit funny and penguin stanced tonight when I went to tuck them in. I didn't feel any signs of eggbound, and she's up on the roost now, but I'll be keeping an eye on her. If she's still acting funny tomorrow, she may get a spa treatment. I told hubs that if anything happened with her though I would be sending her in for a necropsy. She's not doing what Buffy was doing, and I don't see any signs of respiratory distress, but there's too many bad things going around right now - I can't remember how old she is, three or four....but still. That's not super old for a chicken - leghorn or not.

I'm hoping she just got into something bad and will be feeling right as rain tomorrow.

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