Granny's gone and done it again

Well, down a loach already. Everything I'm seeing online says that they need to be in groups of six plus, and need to be in a bigger tank - 55 gallons at the minimum. (mine's only 29) Sooo...the guy at the fish store kind of led us astray. I've got him bagged in a mason jar in the fridge for now - not sure if we're going to go back and see about an exchange but I'm leaning towards money well wasted thanks husband...since...uh...we can't provide a proper environment for happy clown loaches anyway. TOO SMALL.

Don't have room for a huge huge tank either.

Stopped by tractor supply with Goose after our little send at the grasslands today - he's recognized there ;) They also had baby geese!!!! They told me I needed geese, I laughed and said yeah, I have a goose already but I NEED GEESE!

...Did not get geese, however. Saving my brooder for if ever I see speckled sussexes or easter eggers.

Made it out of there with just the chicken feed I came in for. Be proud of me y'all.
:clap:clap:clap Ya done good! Proud of ya!
Well dagnabbit. Hubs got ambitious.

So....the midlife crisis had a gorgeous pretty Volvo windshield. Wasn't properly sealed though. D'oh. Hence my mold removal process. Hubs had the great idea that HE would remove, reseal and redo the windshield. I....had feelings about this but...ok, fine why not.

Yeah. He cracked the windshield. Luckily, there's a safelight within walking distance from my work, and they had an appointment tomorrow. Sigh....that was expensive.

Hubs "I wonder if we can claim that through insurance"
me "uh, so not worth it, our deductible is more than the cost of the windshield"

Dear county:

Please hurry the flock up and reimburse my husband for his mileage and per dium for the sacramento trip. Could really use the money right meow. kthxbai.
Check with your insurance! Some will cover the cost of a windshield because your deductible is higher than the cost of the windshield. I've had that happen for me a couple of times. It's worth a phone call.
I cooked something really good tonight. Posting the recipe. I made it up!
In a casserole dish, put a layer of tater tots and bake in 425° oven for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, brown 1# burger just till it's not pink any more. Remove from pan and set aside, and, in same pan, add 2-3 Tbsp butter and 1 tray sliced mushrooms. Saute till tender. Add a squish of teriyake sauce and a splurt of Worcestershire sauce, cook and stir another couple of minutes.

Remove tots from oven and cover with a layer of shredded cheese, whatever you like. Cover with the browned burger, and top with the mushrooms. If there is liquid from the mushrooms, pour that evenly over all. Put it back in the oven for another 15 minutes or so, till hot through.

Eat with lots of yumyum noises. 🤣
I cooked something really good tonight. Posting the recipe. I made it up!
In a casserole dish, put a layer of tater tots and bake in 425° oven for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, brown 1# burger just till it's not pink any more. Remove from pan and set aside, and, in same pan, add 2-3 Tbsp butter and 1 tray sliced mushrooms. Saute till tender. Add a squish of teriyake sauce and a splurt of Worcestershire sauce, cook and stir another couple of minutes.

Remove tots from oven and cover with a layer of shredded cheese, whatever you like. Cover with the browned burger, and top with the mushrooms. If there is liquid from the mushrooms, pour that evenly over all. Put it back in the oven for another 15 minutes or so, till hot through.

Eat with lots of yumyum noises. 🤣
Sounds good

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