Granny's gone and done it again

While we're sharing health stuff. I finally admitted to my MD the other day that I am concerned about my memory. I'm having a short in the part of my brain where my vocabulary is stored. I'll start talking and I know what I want to say, then halfway through my sentence the word I want just isn't there and I get stuck. Aggravating. I used to be able to find a substitute, or to describe what I mean but lately that's not working either. So he's sending me to a neurologist for a memory work-up. 🙁 I'm concerned bc I think this is an early stage of Alzheimer's. @cynthia, you'd know, I think. Am I right to be concerned? Also I keep biting my tongue, lips or cheeks. Like probably twice a week, and that's new. Been going on a couple of months now. It's okay if it is ... I just want to know, so we can make plans.
Very common to forget a word you want. I can usually remember it in under 10 minutes. Frustrating though.
While we're sharing health stuff. I finally admitted to my MD the other day that I am concerned about my memory. I'm having a short in the part of my brain where my vocabulary is stored. I'll start talking and I know what I want to say, then halfway through my sentence the word I want just isn't there and I get stuck. Aggravating. I used to be able to find a substitute, or to describe what I mean but lately that's not working either. So he's sending me to a neurologist for a memory work-up. 🙁 I'm concerned bc I think this is an early stage of Alzheimer's. @cynthia, you'd know, I think. Am I right to be concerned? Also I keep biting my tongue, lips or cheeks. Like probably twice a week, and that's new. Been going on a couple of months now. It's okay if it is ... I just want to know, so we can make plans.
I have Fibromyalgia. I get exactly what you're describing here. Foggy brain. Also when I'm having an extra bad day with my VM I get bad. So, double the trouble. Yes, you are right though. Losing words is a sign of a dementia. Good you are seeing someone. Don't forget to mention your other symptoms because those are not a sign of a dementia. Glad you're seeing a Neurologist. I say a dementia because it's an umbrella..there are several different kinds of it. Alzheimers, Frontoltemperal, Vascular. There are more. None start out with biting tongue, lips or cheeks. Vascular can start out with swallowing problems. Alzheimer’s has the swallowing problem show up later. Scott had that. He never bit his mouth though. My guess is you're in for a brain MRI. He/She may have you do some memory testing, like I now get once a year in my Primary Dr's office. Old age. They check us out for insurance reasons. When is your appointment?

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