Granny's gone and done it again

Last day of ultra sound therapy. I had another exercise added. The big ouchie one. Won't go back for a week to see how I'm doing. It is feeling a bit better. Still stuck. I'm at the point where I don't mind the stuck as long as the pain goes away. And, it's still swollen/inflamed. It's only been 4 and a half weeks..I keep reminding myself. The therapist says it should do well. :)
Granny, if it isn't one thing it's another. Just called to see what my insurance would be. Both car and home went up. I rarely drive my car. Not distance anyway. I told her to check for better prices, same coverage. I can be a squeekey wheel. I don't ask for much. lol. She did it! Saved us 400 dollars by going with Progressive. The kids will be paying the house tax. I had to add both of them to my car insurance because they live here and Austin does drive my car to take me to appointments at times. Still..saved me 200 by changing. I'll be signing papers first of next month when it's due.
I have no clue on what to do. Last time it leaked in there we had black mold. I see something black where its wet. We had to have the EPA come out a couple times.
I have no clue on what to do. Last time it leaked in there we had black mold. I see something black where its wet. We had to have the EPA come out a couple times.
Call the people whoever did the repair. I think it's on them, they didn't fix the problem. Call them and tell them it's still leaking, and make them deal with any mold as well. They were supposed to fix it. You paid them to fix it.
I've spent some time sitting and laying down but still have had no sleep since night before last. Worked in the garden and with the chickens today. Taking my meds shortly and going to bed.
Im sorry. Are you taking all your sleepy meds?
Last day of ultra sound therapy. I had another exercise added. The big ouchie one. Won't go back for a week to see how I'm doing. It is feeling a bit better. Still stuck. I'm at the point where I don't mind the stuck as long as the pain goes away. And, it's still swollen/inflamed. It's only been 4 and a half weeks..I keep reminding myself. The therapist says it should do well. :)
Surgery takes a while to heal from. I know it's not an equal comparison but my rotator cuff surgery took a whole year. Hang in there! It will get better!
Call the people whoever did the repair. I think it's on them, they didn't fix the problem. Call them and tell them it's still leaking, and make them deal with any mold as well. They were supposed to fix it. You paid them to fix it.
Its been years since they did that and its not exactly in the same spot. Close though.

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