Granny's gone and done it again

No one tells me when to use my deep well. I water mostly late in the day after the sun gets low and then I do a second patch from around midnight until I get up. Ideally water is most efficient if applied from after midnight until day break. The water keeps the plants wet until there is sunshine to dry the leaves off. Best way for disease control. Then again the weather isn't perfect either.
Should have worded it better..they suggest. A lot of folks water at night here. Night can bring on more disease. plants is in the,not to water at night.
I hope to get a lot of my things running on drip so the the leaves never get wet and less water is wasted watering where there are no roots. Fungi love wet leaves once the water is turned off. That is why I leave mine run until the sun is coming up. With the clay in our subsoil the water lasts longer here than it did in FL. If my well would produce more than 6-7 gallons a minute I could get watered over a lot faster. With drip on the berries, sweet potatoes and tomatoes that would be a big help time wise too. 45 minutes run time on them would be sufficient using 2 gallon per hour emitters. .

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