Granny's gone and done it again

that was me with brushing their teeth. Oh and clothes! Kiki HATES clothes. It’s cute on some occasions but she absolutely loathes it, we’ve pretty much given up:rolleyes: maybe some dogs aren’t meant for that kind of thing
My first dog would wait inside at the door in the winter, so I could out a coat or sweater on him. He didn't like being cold. Short haired Chihuahua.
well all , going to find something to eat and then challenge the sucker chair to a rematch of the other night.

I wish you all a pleasant evening, sweet dreams, fuzzies, prayers and healing thoughts.
gnight, I hope you sleep well :hugs
Bandit wont hold still long enough to brush him. He twists out of the way How was your day Cap?
They actually have slings so you can suspend them with their feet off the ground. They can't twist away.
My day was pretty good. I had ceramics class tonight, so that's always good.
Got my hair cut short, and it's quite curly with no effort on my part.
They actually have slings so you can suspend them with their feet off the ground. They can't twist away.
My day was pretty good. I had ceramics class tonight, so that's always good.
Got my hair cut short, and it's quite curly with no effort on my part.
let me see!
let me see!

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