Granny's gone and done it again

Granny it is sad but true what he said about the blockages returning. Nicotine shrinks the artery diameter making them much more prone to blockages. That's just the nature of the nicotine beast. Another one of the after being addictive.
yes, Im aware. I wasnt going to lie to him.
Granny my blockage must have been from to many hamburgers. Used to get a lot of Double Whoppers from Burger King when I worked outside and needed a meal on the run. It's been years since I've had one now. My only real burger vice is a Mushroom and Swiss 2 or 3 times a year from Hardee's.
It runs in my family.
Those are one of my favorites!
aww, Im sorry Cynthia. Mine was a GS. they didnt put him down but they had to keep him locked up for 10 days and then he got out and attacked a girl and they put him down that time. You got it way worse then I did.
I was bitten by a German Shepherd too, I was about 12 I think. Was riding my bike, and he came tearing down the hill and latched onto my leg. I was screaming, which is why he let go and didn't keep biting me. I needed a couple of stitches, he got to be chained up for 10 days.

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