Granny's gone and done it again

I stopped on the way in a let Honey have 5 of the smallest blackberries. She's hooked on them now. Need to put some grit out tomorrow for her and some oyster shell too. I was able to pick honey and her coop mate an Ancona hen up and carry them to their coop. Honey has always allowed me to pick her up but the Ancona has never let me get close to her before when she was out of the coop. I think Honey is rubbing off on her.
I've been getting a few fresh white carbs in the way of fresh home grown potatoes. Should have green beans in a week. Tomatoes are growing very fast now. Eggplant are looking good. Can't wait to cut some in thick slabs for the grill. Going to stuff some jalapenos and grill them in my pepper holder. Sweet corn in a week or so. Ears are forming now. Some silks starting to darken. Sweet peas are over. Our season for broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Pak Choi, and such is for fall and early winter. We will freeze enough broccoli, carrots, and Pak Choi for making stir fry dishes with. I think grilled chicken. The new crop of chickens for freezer camp started crowing today. Quite young but look big enough to be edible to me.
I stopped on the way in a let Honey have 5 of the smallest blackberries. She's hooked on them now. Need to put some grit out tomorrow for her and some oyster shell too. I was able to pick honey and her coop mate an Ancona hen up and carry them to their coop. Honey has always allowed me to pick her up but the Ancona has never let me get close to her before when she was out of the coop. I think Honey is rubbing off on her.
I screwed up bad a couple years ago. I had a splendid patch of raspberries growing. Then we had the bright idea of planting fruit trees in front of them. No sun killed the raspberries.

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