Granny's gone and done it again

We took the kids to Applebee's after the graduation. I had something I'd never hsd before, it was good. Can't remember what it was called but it had grilled chicken, lettuce, pico de gallo, avocado, chipotle sauce, rice and .... um.... a chimichurri sauce which I did not eat. Oh and a little serving of black beans and corn.
too hot?
No, it was like a pesto. The meal had plenty of flavor and I just didn't feel it needed it. They served it in a bowl and it was hard to eat. I had the waiter bring me a big plate. I transferred it into the plate and that was better.
I just read the mail. Social services is wanting an 1 hr. appt over the phone with me on the 28th I think to go over sooo many things that they already have such as my birth cert. house and car papers marriage cert. bills, bank, you name it and they want it. I cant find all that stuff. Not in 5 days. :hit
Why don’t you keep all that stuff in one place? Won’t be the last time they ask for it.
spray something on it to clean it, give it a bit of antibiotic ointment and boot it in the butt
Good. Do that. Can you make a sterile saline solution and put it in a clean spray bottle? Spray it thoroughly with the saline at least twice a day to clean it out. Then do what you said. Use Neosporin or something like that.

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