Granny's gone and done it again

I remember how much fun it was to stop in the small SE GA towns and eat at mom & pop restaurants. Hope there are some left when we do get to make a trip over for a couple of days. Need to see my grandparents grave markers one more time. I remember the service was pure southern charm. Soft spoken waitresses with the southern drawl and the table settings were so neatly place including a glass of ice water to get started. The greens were fresh and the potatoes real. Pot roast was like grandma cooked. Those truly were the good ole days.
Sad our grandkids will never experience times like that.
my father worked at a machine shop in SW detroit.
Back in those days Detroit was a beehive of small machine shops making things for many different manufacturing bigger businesses. All kinds of tool and die places. Where I worked we made roll form tooling. Once in a while I still see and old Chevy pickup or a Pontiac Bonneville that I worked on the tooling for. The pickup had the name Chevrolet stamped into a molding across the tailgate. The Bonneville has a rocker molding that looks like a sine wave. That was a real not so nice word to get to run. We had to hand machine in a metal lathe back then. No CNC powered tooling existed. Tracer lathes were few and far between.
That Bonneville was a 69 not 67.

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