Granny's gone and done it again

Did you get all your watering done?
All essential watering done. That's the sandy soil garden. the other have moisture at about 2 1/2" deep and are ok. Need to replant some things that got drowned out after the 6" monsoon. Just parts of rows in the beans and summer peas. Need to plant more squash tomorrow too. We are slowly converting from the large gardens to Muscadine grapes, black berries, and some blueberries. No bending. We will plant just enough to feed us and a couple others that are less fortunate and that's it. We will still can tomatoes and green beans and freeze summer peas and Lima beans. This has been a really hard summer already and the heat is just starting. When we bought this place we didn't know I would lose my hips and Ma would be carrying around an oxygen source. Forget about finding able bodied help.
All essential watering done. That's the sandy soil garden. the other have moisture at about 2 1/2" deep and are ok. Need to replant some things that got drowned out after the 6" monsoon. Just parts of rows in the beans and summer peas. Need to plant more squash tomorrow too. We are slowly converting from the large gardens to Muscadine grapes, black berries, and some blueberries. No bending. We will plant just enough to feed us and a couple others that are less fortunate and that's it. We will still can tomatoes and green beans and freeze summer peas and Lima beans. This has been a really hard summer already and the heat is just starting. When we bought this place we didn't know I would lose my hips and Ma would be carrying around an oxygen source. Forget about finding able bodied help.
Any fruit trees?

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