Granny's gone and done it again

Taking a break for my electrolyte water. It's about 90° in the sun now. We have some clouds that are helping. Soaking wet but no use to change because I'd be soaking wet again after 5 minutes outside working. I've done the hardest part of the replanting where the seed got flooded out. Just need to drop seed now and cover them up.
Howdys all, moving slow today. I havent looked for any paperwork that I need for my phone appt. You would think that its what I need to do so I dont lose my medicaid. Appt. is wednesday AM. All I want to do is sit in this chair . I have to change that attitude, I just dont know how.
Howdys all, moving slow today. I havent looked for any paperwork that I need for my phone appt. You would think that its what I need to do so I dont lose my medicaid. Appt. is wednesday AM. All I want to do is sit in this chair . I have to change that attitude, I just dont know how.
Thinking about all that is at risk should be motivation but I know the feeling you are going through too. Been in your shoes. The rain drove me inside. We got just enough to do that but not enough to do any good. Beans vines are wet and we need to pick them today. Hope they dry off. Green beans with new potatoes seasoned with bacon or a ham hock is a seasonal delight. I'll be back later. Must take a nap after the exertion this morning. I can't hold my eyes open. BBL
Cleaned my fish tank. Watered and fed my outdoor plants. Rested, then Austin and friends cooked these amazing hamburgers. I'm full! Couldn't eat the whole thing! 👀
Howdys all, moving slow today. I havent looked for any paperwork that I need for my phone appt. You would think that its what I need to do so I dont lose my medicaid. Appt. is wednesday AM. All I want to do is sit in this chair . I have to change that attitude, I just dont know how.
I know the feeling. I have to tell myself..just do. I'm pretty woozy today but I some things. Paperwork. One of those things I dreaded when my sister Lisa was alive because I was guardian. That paperwork in itself was no fun! Then the Medicaid. fun. Just do and get it over with. Feel better Granny. These mental days are rough. I think I'm better today than I have been the last few months. And, I don't know why. Not complaining though.
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