((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help


Apr 18, 2020
Hello and thank you in advance for reading!
2 days ago I had a 12 week old chick get half her toes removed in the AFTERNOON (around 1:30!!!) by a raccoon - we heard the babies screaming and ran out in time to see it under them but it ran off before I grabbed my 22… after checking everyone over, she’s the only one with injury - we keep the rolling tractor closed in the garage every night so weren’t expecting any trouble with raccoons!
After the bleeding stopped we gave a 2:1 water/peroxide foot bath and after cleaning this afternoon we put Blue Kote on the feet but I’m still very worried about infection…chick is still eating, drinking, hopping around, and even roosting but I know chickens are good at hiding pain -
Would anyone happen to have any suggestions what to do from this point?
The wound has been very dry and scabbed over with no foul smells or signs of flies but was a bit swollen (but not hot) when I checked in this evening…


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Poor Girl!

Hard to see the wounds with the bluekote, but it sounds like you are doing the right things.
Do keep her on clean dry bedding. I would worry about infection and wonder if there's bone exposed.

If vet care is an option, that would be best. I know that's not always possible.

IF no vet, then I'd start her on antibiotics. Cephalexin would be a good choice for this, but Amoxicillin would be suitable as well. Dosing and where you can find the meds is below.

Cephalexin dose 35-50mg/kg given orally 4 times a day for 7 days.

Amoxicillin dose is 57mg per pound of weight given orally 2 times a day for 7-10 days.


Thank you for the antibiotic recommendations @Wyorp Rock - would it make a difference in dosage if she’s still on medicated feed?
I had chickens in the past lose nails or tips of toes but it’s never been this severe and I’m wondering now if the Blu Kote was a bad idea…I’ll call the ag vet as soon as they open this morning and see if they can still check for exposed bone and to make sure nothing has become necrotic or gangrenous… hopefully we can get her started on something sooner than waiting for shipping over the holiday weekend 😩
UPDATE the Ag vet gave me the dealing with raccoons is part of owning chickens pep talk and wished me luck 🫠
so now we are going to try the vet we take our dog to
I would soak the feet in warm water daily, adding a little Hibiclens or Betadine to the water for disinfection. Then apply 10% Betadine or some plain antibiotic ointment. The antibiotics would be helpful, since bones are involved.
Thank you @Eggcessive - I’ll run to pharmacy for those! I haven’t had luck with a vet yet, but a friend offered her bottle of Augmentin(875mg) which has Amoxicillin in it - would that help the chick?
Thank you again @Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive so much - just got finished with our second Hibiclens bath for today then drenched the feet with Betadine and rubbed some Bacitraycin with aloe on - they are still very purple, with the darkest of the areas being scabbed - she’s still eating and drinking as normal with normally formed poops, and the swelling hasn’t seemed to increase but we placed her into a smaller box still near the brood lamp just incase… I received the bottle of Augmentin, and several Amoxicillin prescriptions from friends at work tonight 😭 so we are just figuring out how much she weighs so we can dose her before bed IMG_4853.jpeg IMG_4855.jpeg

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