*GRAPHIC* Post Hatch Eggtopsy on Dark and White Large Fowl Cornish

Redhead Rae

Chickens, chickens everywhere!
7 Years
Jan 4, 2017
Braxton County, WV
I had 10 eggs in lockdown this week. 6 shipped White Cornish eggs (only 3 looked hopeful to me) and 4 Dark Cornish eggs from my birds. I wasn’t hopeful about these eggs because we had major temp spikes in the homemade incubator I had them in, but I put them in lockdown anyway. Well, 2 of the White Cornish and 3 of the Dark Cornish eggs hatched. @KikisGirls requested I do an eggtopsy on them.

This is the Dark Cornish egg. The yolk sack was almost absorbed but its head was between its legs.


The first White Cornish egg I broke open wasn’t worth taking a picture of. It looked like it died in the first week and it smelled NASTY and looked nasty.

This egg looked really deformed. All I could really see was something the size of a chick’s head and a normal sized beak.

This chick was kinda deformed too, It still had a VERY large yolk sack, but it didn't have eyes and that foot looked pretty messed up.

This chick was the was more formed than the other two, but it still had a large yolk sack.
Great photos.
She they all quite early.
None looked like they were ready to hatch right?

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