
Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Someone told be that grass-b-gon is a chicken safe grass/weed killer...I'm not sure if this is true or not. It would be nice if there was something I could simply spray on the pesky weeds but if not...there is always good ol' by-hand weeding. :) Anyone know if this is chicken-safe?

I would strongly suggest you contact the manufacture to check with any product you use around your flock. From doing a simple online search for this product I uncovered Ortho Grass-B-Gone...which does list it's product is harmful to animals. I've attached a link to the products bottle/directions. Since I don't know what brand of Grass-B-Gone you are referring to I am unable to provide further assistance.

I would warn...chemical products such as these spread through surface and sub-surface water. An application of this type of chemical should be done away from any area where chickens can be found. For those chickens in a run/fenced area I would strongly suggest the use of a barrier zone.

Hope this helps...
I was talking about ortho Grass-b-gon. I kind of figured it would be bad, but didn't think it would hurt to ask.

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