Grass clipping in the run or coup?

My first thought when reading this is...
If it is just grass it will decompose and get very wet slimy and smelly but if.
It is combined with dead leaves or other carbons you will get compost.
And if the chickens eat an abundance which I’m sure they will maybe it might lead to compacted crop
Those are my thoughts. Will be watching to see how true
All my grass goes to the run (s :oops:)... kinda "semi- deep litter" the method is called. I never thought I would be bagging an acre of grass! I really prefer mulching... I really don't have enough grass clippings to meet all my needs... :confused:

I don't add any moisture into my coop. But you bet I would use them if they were dry!

Good thinking. :thumbsup
I’m not sure if yall are talking about what to use in the henhouse or the run....? But I have used wood chips in the run that I got from my neighbor... they cut down a bunch of trees and kept the chips from the stump grinding... they have an enormous pile of it. I absolutely love it! It is so clean and never stinks... now I will say that my entire run is covered so that may have something to do with the no smell. But I will add that after awhile it can get very dusty so that is when I added more... a few wagon loads and the gals love it as it is filled with hundreds of bugs and worms! It also seems to be great for dust bathing! ...... no cedar... mostly pines and oaks.

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