Great Depression of 2016

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Sadly, it seems that nothing will be accomplished with the government shut down and later with a show down over raising the debt limit The government will flail around and seek one source of funds after another. But it will not stop spending, and it will not tax the untaxed. It will continue selling bonds to the Fed for cash, but that will eventually ruin the member banks. We will see a tremendous inflation, but the government will not accept responsibility for it. Rather they will blame the business community. We will have to endure high inflation, high unemployment and a scarcity of consumer goods. That means a much lower standard of living. Not many people will accept that. I don't know what will happen then, but I can guess it won't be good.

There are certain politicians(clearly not statesmen) that if asked would say "it's simple,we need to raise the debt ceiling so we can pay our bills'. But if you showed them this video their jaws would be agape and their reply would be "it's not that simple". What? Ummmm yes it is. It's basic economics, you can't spend more than you bring in. Plain and simple. If, lets say Walmart starting spending way more than they bring in and the company went completely bankrupt and everyone lost their jobs. These same politicians would blame the leadership for the execs mishandling of Walmarts revenue and causing pain for their employees. Again basic economics. Doesn't matter whether you have 5,50 or 5000 employees the concept is the same. While businesses are different from a government, as a government doesn't sell traditional goods or services but like a business or as the video shows a household, all should remain within a budget.

As always Rebel, good stuff.

As far as the first video you posted goes, I am sure all those statements were taken out of context.
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Well, now I see that the Chinese newspapers are calling for a de Americanized world. When other nations need assistance, they turn to the US, then they curse us. Maybe it is time for us to pull back on our foreign aid and assistance. The Food for Peace program has fed a good portion of the undeveloped world since the 1950's. The US government buys grain in the US and gives it to other nations. They then sell that grain on their market and use those funds to run their governments. The people that hate us benefit in that they have cheap food and they don't have to pay onerous taxes.

Most of this assistance goes to Muslim countries.

That grain could be used to make gasohol for use in the USA. Those folks now receiving that aid need to plant more wheat and less opium poppies.
Well, now I see that the Chinese newspapers are calling for a de Americanized world. When other nations need assistance, they turn to the US, then they curse us. Maybe it is time for us to pull back on our foreign aid and assistance. The Food for Peace program has fed a good portion of the undeveloped world since the 1950's. The US government buys grain in the US and gives it to other nations. They then sell that grain on their market and use those funds to run their governments. The people that hate us benefit in that they have cheap food and they don't have to pay onerous taxes.

Most of this assistance goes to Muslim countries.

That grain could be used to make gasohol for use in the USA. Those folks now receiving that aid need to plant more wheat and less opium poppies.

I'm shocked that a country that doesn't like us would say such things about us, why would they try to take advantage of the situation we find ourselves in ?
Flip flop or lying? Does it matter? Either way we are the ones that pay.
I think its neither, rather its "welcome to the real world". Its easy to come with great solutions when you aren't in the position to implement them, but the first thing you realize when you are in that position is that the choices are seldom good or bad, they are usually bad or maybe worse.

Welfare for business ?
A few examples of welfare for business is when the government covers the cost of doing business for their buddies, usually hidden beneath tons of paperwork.Welfare for business is when money spent to bribe legislators is tax deductible, welfare for businesses is when the government bails out banks that lost money, often by utilizing illegal loopholes, while letting individuals hang in the wind, and I am not proposing that the government should have bailed out individuals.

Trefoil, I think you missed that the business world provides the goods and services we need. They are a positive to society; welfare people on the other hand are a drag on society. Have you noticed that certain politicians will not use the word "working class," but say "middle class" instead. The thought of working offends their supporters. Most of us are not middle class, but are working class.

When people refer to the rich, just who are they talking about? Most of the funding for the business world comes from institutional investors. That would be our pension funds, IRA's, mutual funds etc.

I find it disturbing that some people hate those that they perceive to have a better lot in life. Jealousy, greed and envy seem to be the diseases of the non achiever. Don't hate the rich; be the rich.
I think you have missed the fact that the business world does not provide the goods and services we need. Their employees provide the goods and services we need. The business world has the potential to be a positive on our economy and society, instead they are a drag, having made their emphasis on making money, not by doing a better job, but by underpaying their suppliers and employees.
Neither of us are totally correct but stop and think. Take the millionaire businesses out of the picture and what do you have. You have individuals providing goods and services to individuals without the middleman (businesses) who add nothing yet raise the cost of those goods and services. The poor aren't our enemy any more than the rich are. The working class is paying the way for both.
I'm a little lost here so please give me a logical reason.How can our country give financial assistace to other countries,when our Govt is $16 Trillion in debt? How does our Govt buy our farmers grain to give to other countries,when 47% of our own pupolation goes to bed hungry at night? Once again,how does our Govt buy this grain,if it is $16 Trillion in the debt? Why does our Govt sell 2.4 million gallons of oil daily to Japan that goes thru the Alaska pipeline,when our country is always needing crude oil?

The stupid decisions our elected politicians makes that contradict this countries needs vs. a world opinion-statue so we look like a "leader" while our own citizens struggle is batt c*ap crazy! Once elected there is no accountability until the next election.The "Pork Barrel" projects that gets sneeked in on budgets for special interest groups,ect has to end.

I know these answers,but the political agenda this country has towards helping every other 3rd world country survive,at our expense needs to stop.Wonder if there is an accurate record of the wasted taxpayer dollars? The $600 million Obama care website comes to immediate mind that don't even work,yet what can we do about these crazy costs? Voting these people out of office won't work,the monies already been spent,,seems you mention anything to do with the Govt,especially when it comes to them buying,or selling,the doors opens up for the cash to flow.I bet it didn't cost E-Bay this amount to build their website with all the databases it has.

I can see the writing on the wall very clearly of what's to come.It cannot be good.Too many hands in a very large cookie jar that is way below the refill line.A big part of higher costs is our own Govt rules and regulations for everything anymore. So many Govt offices that has to be involved in every process.NTSB,EPA,CDC,TSA,and the list continues.Makes me wonder how the human race in the northern hemisphere ever grew to the number of people now,when comparing to how deep in everyones business our Govt thinks they need to be.How did we get by so long without them???
I'm a little lost here so please give me a logical reason.How can our country give financial assistace to other countries,when our Govt is $16 Trillion in debt? How does our Govt buy our farmers grain to give to other countries,when 47% of our own pupolation goes to bed hungry at night? Once again,how does our Govt buy this grain,if it is $16 Trillion in the debt? Why does our Govt sell 2.4 million gallons of oil daily to Japan that goes thru the Alaska pipeline,when our country is always needing crude oil?

The stupid decisions our elected politicians makes that contradict this countries needs vs. a world opinion-statue so we look like a "leader" while our own citizens struggle is batt c*ap crazy! Once elected there is no accountability until the next election.The "Pork Barrel" projects that gets sneeked in on budgets for special interest groups,ect has to end.

I know these answers,but the political agenda this country has towards helping every other 3rd world country survive,at our expense needs to stop.Wonder if there is an accurate record of the wasted taxpayer dollars? The $600 million Obama care website comes to immediate mind that don't even work,yet what can we do about these crazy costs? Voting these people out of office won't work,the monies already been spent,,seems you mention anything to do with the Govt,especially when it comes to them buying,or selling,the doors opens up for the cash to flow.I bet it didn't cost E-Bay this amount to build their website with all the databases it has.

I can see the writing on the wall very clearly of what's to come.It cannot be good.Too many hands in a very large cookie jar that is way below the refill line.A big part of higher costs is our own Govt rules and regulations for everything anymore. So many Govt offices that has to be involved in every process.NTSB,EPA,CDC,TSA,and the list continues.Makes me wonder how the human race in the northern hemisphere ever grew to the number of people now,when comparing to how deep in everyones business our Govt thinks they need to be.How did we get by so long without them???

Just a couple things NO oil from the Alaskan pipeline goes to Japan, or ANY country overseas. NO American crude oil gets exported to ANY country overseas. Please take that part out of your next rant.

I'm totally against the ACA, but there website didn't cost $600 million. Not even close.
Dennis is correct:

Trefoil, you are entitled to your opinion, but I feel that without capitalist, our economy would not work. I keep wondering who the millionaires are that you think are hogging it up? Those few that are left have their wealth invested in commercial enterprises. Without that capital, our economy would be dead. Companies need to make profits or they go out of business.

See what is happening now in Venezuela. The store shelves are going bare because the government wants business to sell cheap merchandise for less that what it cost to re stock the shelves.

The politicians are so stupid, they think that taps produce water. They have no idea where those pipes go or what happens beyond the tap.
Our problem is that for a overwhelmingly % of the population our economy is not working. And so far people who use money to make money hasn't been a solution. I believe they are no more or less "valuable" than the rest of the population and don't deserve more consideration than anyone else. I can understand the necessity of bailing out the auto makers, if they went down they would take a lot of the working class with them. But to bail out the banks so they could give their CEO's a raise and bonuses really urks me.
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