Great Depression of 2016

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Americans did not vote for these things, Mexicans crossing our borders, being granted amnesty and their children becoming a new voting block and being catered to as a special interest group have got us these results.

This is why our Founding Fathers explicitly laid out a strict immigration policy.

If 10+ million Americans illegally invaded any other country and demanded rights and benefits, would they give them to us or would they shoot us on sight as an invading force? Do you think they would accept us and our children and give us all voting rights, funding and the power to alter the government in their country? OF COURSE NOT!

That's what happened here.
US citizens did vote in these people cause they want this junk... I have a facebook full of people proud of it...

An Mexico is part of America but not the US. There are a lot of countries in the Americas They are all American. That just bugs me.
US citizens did vote in these people cause they want this junk... I have a facebook full of people proud of it...

An Mexico is part of America but not the US. There are a lot of countries in the Americas They are all American. That just bugs me.

You define U.S. Citizens as those holding U.S. Citizenship.

I define it as our Founding Fathers originally intended, not as corrupt politicians decided to alter later on down the line.

Our corrupt government might recognize others as citizens, but that does not mean that I do or that such persons are acting in America's best interest, because it is clear they are not.

You can be a legal citizen and still be extremely Anti-American.

America defined as the United States, because I quite frankly could care less what goes on in other 'American' countries, as I believe in minding my own business and worrying about United States' interests and keeping my nose out of what goes on in foreign countries.

Their problems and their people need to stay where they are and out of the United States, period. We do not need them transplanting their problems and letting them take root here, because look what good that has done us.
Americans did not vote for these things, Mexicans crossing our borders, being granted amnesty and their children becoming a new voting block and being catered to as a special interest group have got us these results.

This is why our Founding Fathers explicitly laid out a strict immigration policy.

If 10+ million Americans illegally invaded any other country and demanded rights and benefits, would they give them to us or would they shoot us on sight as an invading force? Do you think they would accept us and our children and give us all voting rights, funding and the power to alter the government in their country? OF COURSE NOT!

That's what happened here.

People who are not citizens don't get to vote. That is why we need voter ID laws.

The immigration question is a problem to be solved, not an issue to be exploited for political purposes. Both parties seem to want to use it; they shouldn't. We need to resolve the issue, not use it.

We cannot deny citizenship to the children born here of illegal immigrants. That would leave us with a whole sub class of stateless persons. They need to carry some sort of citizenship; it should be USA.

Those born abroad and brought here as children find themselves in another pickle. They lack the social skills, language and documents to function in the country from which they came. It would be immoral to deport them to a society where they could not function. We need to do better than that.

The social welfare system in the US is far superior to that of many other countries. This acts as a magnet. If you ask immigrants why they came here, they will tell it is because the government in their home country doesn't help the people. Is the source of the problem our generous system? I think so.
People who are not citizens don't get to vote. That is why we need voter ID laws.

The immigration question is a problem to be solved, not an issue to be exploited for political purposes. Both parties seem to want to use it; they shouldn't. We need to resolve the issue, not use it.

We cannot deny citizenship to the children born here of illegal immigrants. That would leave us with a whole sub class of stateless persons. They need to carry some sort of citizenship; it should be USA.

Those born abroad and brought here as children find themselves in another pickle. They lack the social skills, language and documents to function in the country from which they came. It would be immoral to deport them to a society where they could not function. We need to do better than that.

The social welfare system in the US is far superior to that of many other countries. This acts as a magnet. If you ask immigrants why they came here, they will tell it is because the government in their home country doesn't help the people. Is the source of the problem our generous system? I think so.

I'm not going to pretend that I care what happens to the children of illegal invaders to this country.

Their parents should have thought of what would happen before and the children grow up to be an even worse problem than their criminal parents.

If we could round the up and chuck them over a brand new, heavily armed border, I would sleep like a baby knowing that not only will we have rid our Nation of 20+ million illegal invaders, but also solved the problem of over crowding in our prisons and saved trillions of dollars.

Harsh? Yes and morally correct, because the alternative is letting them create a burden on me and my unborn children and grandchildren so on to come.

Which is the more moral solution? I think that would be extremely generous, because illegals should be treated like the invading force they are and nothing less.
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People who are not citizens don't get to vote. That is why we need voter ID laws.

The immigration question is a problem to be solved, not an issue to be exploited for political purposes. Both parties seem to want to use it; they shouldn't. We need to resolve the issue, not use it.

We cannot deny citizenship to the children born here of illegal immigrants. That would leave us with a whole sub class of stateless persons. They need to carry some sort of citizenship; it should be USA.

Those born abroad and brought here as children find themselves in another pickle. They lack the social skills, language and documents to function in the country from which they came. It would be immoral to deport them to a society where they could not function. We need to do better than that.

The social welfare system in the US is far superior to that of many other countries. This acts as a magnet. If you ask immigrants why they came here, they will tell it is because the government in their home country doesn't help the people. Is the source of the problem our generous system? I think so.
I agree that the political 'hot potato' immigration issue is terrible. Politicians grab a hold of it and exploit it for as long as they can to 'prove' their point and as soon as it becomes too hot they throw it to the next bunch up and comers who want to make their own point with it. (After they have gleaned every bit of advantage to themselves). If a person is born to LEGAL U.S. citizens then a person should be a citizen themselves.
However my point in the 'illegal' status is this.
If my husband and I went into a bank and applied for a bank loan to buy a house and we used illegal documents, false records, and illegally earned money and the bank didn't do enough work to 'really check' and we were granted a loan, we buy the house and move in. We're in right? Yay we did it...
Okay so now we go a little further down the road. My husband and I are living in the house with the kids we moved in with us. And now the bank has figured out that we are not who we say we are..We are frauds. They come and 'take their property (house) back and send us away..We deserve it right? Yes we committed fraud we are not entitled we did not follow the rules..etc. they are hauling us away. I have the right to say..hey my kids should be able to live in the house, they did not commit fraud, they did not lie, they are victims of my husband's and my choices. THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE IN THAT HOUSE! In fact you need to pay them too, they need doctors, schooling, services, and yes because they are a disadvantaged minority they need college paid for too! That is the issue that I have trouble with. If the children have to pay the price for the parents choices...they are not prepared to live where they came from..maybe, just maybe the parents for the benefit of their children will make different choices. If the reward of having your children getting free housing, food, schooling, medical, dental, and higher education is that you will be sent back ,but not them is still an option, no border in this country is going to stand. It's a FREE for all...oh except for the working class that is busting their butts here.
Things are a lot more complicated than that. We cannot deport 20 million people. That would ruin the economy of a good many countries. We need to come to some sort of reasonable accommodation. Not all illegals want US citizenship, but a good many do.

We need to seal the border; build a wall. It worked in Israel; it will work here.

We need to know who is living in our country. That means a national ID card. Everyone should have finger prints and iris identification on file.

We need to sort the people out. Those here illegally that have criminal records get to go home and never come back. Those that don't have criminal records get to stay here and work and pay taxes.

Those here illegally get to choose. Either get legal or get gone. I suspect a good many will opt to return home. The prospect of paying US income taxes will send them packing.

Those that apply for US citizenship will get it eventually, if they can pass the test. Then they can vote. Those without citizenship should not get social welfare benefits.

Once these 20 million people are sorted out, those remaining will not be happy working for minimum wage. They will demand better wages and conditions. Things will change.

For what it is worth, any government official in Mexico can question one's immigration status. Perhaps that should be the case here.
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