Great Depression of 2016

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I am afraid the TSA is an essential evil now days. Without them, we would have airplanes flying into just about everything. It is a bitter but necessary pill.
I dont buy that for a second. 9/11 only happened cause the passengers cooperated. Most never knew the last US hijacking (10 years before) was to crash it in to a building. The last plane in the air on 9/11 got word of what was going on an they fought back. Cooperating with hijackers is a thing of the past now that people know the stakes.
The last plane in the air on 9/11 got word of what was going on an they fought back.

It didn't exactly do a lot for them in the end.

At least it's almost impossible to get anything that could possibly be used as a weapon into a plane cabin nowadays. It might mean a small group of terrorists could be overpowered more easily, as they'd be vastly outnumbered.
Not really, there are a hundred ways to die on the roads that you have no control over.
At least I'll have died knowing that I was driving. It wasn't someones fault, only my own. Also, no one will have a lifelong weight that they killed a pretty young lady like me while they were driving.

I willingly admit that plane crashes happen a lot less than car crashes - but then if you're in a plane crash your as good as dead; where as car crashes happen and, depending on the circumstances, you at least have a better chance of survival if you act quickly enough.
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It didn't exactly do a lot for them in the end.

At least it's almost impossible to get anything that could possibly be used as a weapon into a plane cabin nowadays. It might mean a small group of terrorists could be overpowered more easily, as they'd be vastly outnumbered.
The people on that plane were behind the 8 ball by the time they knew they needed to fight back. Pilots were probably already dead.

An as I said, TSA is security theater. All it does is disarm good people of their shampoo. Other than the nude scanner that you can opt out of, they are using the same procedures that prisons have been using for years. I was sneaking contraband in to prisons before I was old enough to drive. Its all for show. Anyone that really wants to can get almost anything past it.
It didn't exactly do a lot for them in the end.

At least it's almost impossible to get anything that could possibly be used as a weapon into a plane cabin nowadays. It might mean a small group of terrorists could be overpowered more easily, as they'd be vastly outnumbered.

Lol I think you missed the memo... You can carry sporting goods(bats, Clubs, rackets) and small pocket knives onto planes now. TSA changed their procedures like 6 months ago. Besides... you ever hear about the guy with the shoe bomb? Your security is an illusion you pay for with your freedoms.

If you want to feel safe. Fly southwest, people on Southwest are usually middle to lower class and have alot more to live for. None of the 9/11 hijackers took any southwest flights for a reason

The above link is how all the 9/11 Flights SHOULD have ended. As Rebel mentioned the flights were doomed as soon as the passengers started complying with the terrorists wishes.
We once had to check in an extra bag to avoid having to throw away a pair of tweezers, lol. I agree that security doesn't seem to do much besides hold the line up and confiscate people's everyday items. It seems a bit ridiculous sometimes, but they've got to look like they're doing something even if it's nothing. I guess what I wrote before wasn't fully indicative of what I think, I shouldn't post so hurriedly in the future. I suppose what I understand as flying being safe is the planes themselves carrying more advanced technology and being less susceptible to mechanical failure, the thoroughness of pilot training and their six-monthly tests. Human error or mechanical failure is what I would be mostly worried about when it comes to flying, but the probability of either of those occurring has been reduced to almost zero in recent years. Those are the 'safety precautions' which I am referring more to. Terrorism is nowhere near as big a threat in people's minds here (at least according to what I've heard) as in the US - which is understandable as the US has been the target of those tragic hijackings in 2001, whereas nothing has really happened here of that nature. I don't think it's as likely to happen here either due to us being a country of small population, which honestly doesn't wield much power on the global stage. There also aren't any conflicts involving us or our government as a major party. Of course that doesn't make us immune but I'm tending to think it decreases the likelihood significantly. That's why my idea of safety and air travel might be a bit different from yours. Although this recent incident with the Malaysian plane is a little close for comfort, there were even 6 Australians on board the flight.
And yeah, I probably did miss the memo :lol: If it's US related, unless it makes the major international news I probably wouldn't know it.
I am afraid you are wrong. Just because your nation is not involved in conflict with the terrorist does not mean you are safe. They are equal opportunity killers. Spain, Indonesia, Britain, Lebanon, Israel, India, Kenya, Tunisia, Iraq and Egypt have all suffered terrorist attacks. These people some how think blowing up a bus or a kindergarten is a good thing to do. They are nuts! They even blow up people of their own religion and think nothing about it.

It boggles the mind to think that people will follow a religion dedicated to hatred and murder.
The world's a crazy place, isn't it...
I didn't say we are completely safe, just that it's less likely for a terrorist attack to happen here than in, say, the US.
Of course that doesn't make us immune but I'm tending to think it decreases the likelihood
Also the nations you mentioned all either have a much higher population, central location, economic/political influence than this one, and some of them are also or have been involved in wars. But of course nobody in the world is safe. I'm just thinking it would be much more likely and beneficial to the terrorists (in regards to attracting attention to their cause or getting rid of their enemies - I agree with you, they are pretty nuts) if they targeted, for example, a big train station in a superpower country (or a location important to whoever they're trying to appeal to - their government, their fellow citizens, whatever) rather than some uninvolved place which has almost no say in how the world outside its borders is run. But definitely, by no means is it impossible. Well said. Nobody can ever be too careful when it comes to this kind of thing.

I find it also shocking how people of some religions (which are actually supposed to talk of love for fellow man...) think they can justify their actions using their beliefs. Muslims in particular cop much prejudice because some people who claim to be part of their religion think that blowing other people up is acceptable. I don't think that's right, because Islam isn't really a bad faith and there are plenty (majority, I think) of Muslims who are decent people who want to live peaceful lives believing in their God. I know some Muslims and they are nice people. Unfortunately a few can just ruin it for the majority, same with a lot of things...
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