Great Depression of 2016

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The communist parties of this century and last only serve to give communism a bad name. Makes one think that no matter what name governments put themselves under, people will always be people...
You are quite right. The brand of communism we see is light years away from it's original ideals! But then again, what isn't. Originally the Labour party here was founded to get a fair deal for the working man and to represent those who historically had never had representation. Then over the years it veered towards more extreme socialism, with the trade unions holding the employers and the government to ransom if their demands were not met. Sick and tired of the constant strikes and eternal wrangling people stopped voting for them and they lost elections big time. So what did they do? Seeing the writing on the wall they reinvented themselves as a sort of paler blue Conservative party! They must think the voters came down with the last shower of rain to be taken in by this duplicity!
The Labor party here is good at rhetoric and arguing against everything the opposition says, but when it comes to actual actions there's little difference between Labor and the Liberals. :lol:
Yes, two sides of the same coin.

I see the Cuban government is encouraging foreign investment. The people employed in these enterprises will not be company employees, but employees provided by the Cuban government. They will be hired, supervised and paid by the government. This is not a jobs creation move, but a sinecure creation move. I can just guess how much work they will get out of a bunch of Communist Party lackeys. Smart money will stay away from this.

Now read this:

It looks like the feds have their eyes on acquiring some Texas property. If they are taking the property because the Red River moved south, would they surrender property if it moved to the north?

Next question is what are they going to do with the 90,000 acres they are going to seize. They say they are not going to increase federal holdings in the area, but they will take the 90,000 acres. That means that they already consider the land to be property of the US government.

What about the mineral rights? Who is going to end up owning those? Probably some Chicago politician.

This stinks!
Interesting reading! When the ownership of a US company falls into the hands of foreign investors, the US worker loses out. I afraid the whole country will look like Detroit and Flint.

I know we can turn things around, but we just don't have the guts to do it. We all run to Wally World to buy the cheapest product made in China. It is better to buy something in the second hand store than to buy something new made abroad. We have to stop buying foreign products. Reuse and recycle, but don't import. Free trade is just another liberal lie.

Excessive government regulations and the unconscionable greed of organized labor have put us at distinct disadvantage in world trade. We need to return to tariffs to fund our government.

What do we sell abroad that the rest of the world cannot do without? They buy a lot of grain, but that is given in aid through the Food for Peace program. We basically feed a lot of countries that don't like us. We need to end that give away. When they get hungry, they will pay up.

We need to do away with the income tax and the IRS. Then we could rebuild our capital and finance our own industries. But some people are so afraid that others may profit, they would rather ruin the whole nation. They are like a bucket of crabs; when one just about is ready to escape the bucket, the greedy and jealous pull it back in.

We need to eliminate a lot of government red tape and the bureaucracy that produced this mess. What is worse, a little dirty air or starving to death?

But I am afraid we will not do what is needed.
How can any country do away with income tax though. Doesn't it fund the running of the country? How would you pay for services such as education? What about building and maintaining the superstructure of the country such as roads etc.? What about defence and the armed services? Surely income tax is needed to fund all of this? I can't for the life of me understand for example, how so many people are entitled to tax rebates? I can understand if a person becomes unemployed he/she will probably be entitled to a tax rebate as the tax was worked out on the assumption of them having a job. But these people would be in the minority and I have seen reports that 50% of people pay no income tax. How does the country therefore pay for all the above?
Right now, about 48 per cent of all US citizens pay no income tax. Most of the income tax collected comes from those that actually work. We have a whole sub culture of people that live off of the social welfare system and contribute nothing. The free ride has to come to an end.

As for schools, they are financed by the local school boards which rely upon a property tax. Roadways are state and county responsibilities paid for by local taxes and federal fuel taxes. Interstate highways are federal responsibilities coupled with local and state governments. The financing varies depending upon the project.

I favor tariffs. If someone wants to buy a fancy European or Asian automobile, they should be prepared to pay a lot more for it than a US made vehicle. Prior to the income tax, our nation's government was financed by tariffs. We can go back to that system.

We need to put our own people back to work. We need to accumulate the capital to re industrialize our nation.

As for the military, it seems as if the current administration wants to gut our forces. South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Japan are going to be pretty much on their own. Europe can defend itself if they have to. As we walk away from peace keeping, I suspect the Chinese will fill the void.

Sorry about the Ukraine, but they will get nothing from the US under this administration. It kind of reminds me of Czechoslovakia when the Nazis took the Sudetenland. "We will have peace in our time."
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