Great Depression of 2016

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And who in this world buys something for a $100K that has wheels so that it can be stolen.
Remember the Pacer? The fishbowl on wheels!
It was booming until union laborers, higher wages, and poor automobile performance and safety records and testings really tested the auto plant.
Have you been keeping up with VW in Chattanooga?

As soon as VW announced turning Chattanooga's munitions factory in to a VW plant the auto workers union started moving unemployed union workers to chattanooga. The plan being to fill the plant with pro-union people so they could take it over. VW gladly hired the experienced workers. Once the plant opened the union bosses showed up to sell the south on the union. They quickly figured out they had a fight on their hands. The south is very anti-union an smart enough to know what happened to Detroit. City was covered with anti-union billboards. The union lost the vote. They cried foul an blamed fraud an political interference to demand a re-vote. Dont know if they ever re-voted or not but its still not union an even the pro-union people down here have a bad taste in their mouths over the fit the union threw. If you go to the rants an raves section of Chattanooga craigslist its still full of union workers calling the south all kinds of names for not voting the union in...

By the way, VWs pay out for most workers is about $38 an hour counting benefits. $19.50 not counting benefits. That is a little more than half what the people from Detroit expect but it is twice as much as a factory worker can expect anywhere else in the city. The union workers who were jobless before VW are quitting an moving away cause they think they are to good to work for that much.
The Pacer was a crock pot on wheels. A co worker bought one, and she really regretted it. Too much glass for a hot area. The Fiat has the same problem. Huge windows and a hole in the roof.

Who in their right mind would want the sun beating down on them through the roof of the car?

Worse, they are trying to sell black cars in Arizona. Nobody buys a black car here.

You have to wonder who make these decisions?
Thinking about electric autos, suppose an overhead electrical line was strung above city streets like those used by street cars. No problem as long as the driver stayed on the electrified route.

Going out of town would be another situation.
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