Great Depression of 2016

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Hopefully, things will work out for you. I don't know how our nation will fare in the future. We all can't be on food stamps.

They say the recession is over, but so far, I don't know anyone that got a job. The good jobs have gone overseas or to Mexico. It seems as if the only people doing well are those selling drugs, and I see more of that stuff in this neighborhood every day.

I am not a religious person, but I will pray for you.
Hopefully, things will work out for you. I don't know how our nation will fare in the future. We all can't be on food stamps.

They say the recession is over, but so far, I don't know anyone that got a job. The good jobs have gone overseas or to Mexico. It seems as if the only people doing well are those selling drugs, and I see more of that stuff in this neighborhood every day.

I am not a religious person, but I will pray for you.
I don't know of anyone that has been unemployed for long. There are many jobs out there at all levels.,ca Just one example.

I tell people all the time to avoid jobs that can be outsourced. Because Americans consumers don't care about American jobs, as much as they care about the price. That is one thing that history has proven.
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I don't know of anyone that has been unemployed for long. There are many jobs out there at all levels.,ca Just one example.

I tell people all the time to avoid jobs that can be outsourced. Because Americans consumers don't care about American jobs, as much as they care about the price. That is one thing that history has proven.

Dennis, do you have *any* idea how many people are applying for those jobs? Especially in low-level, entry positions? An average of 45 people will apply for the same admin/secretary job.

Have YOU looked for a job lately, Dennis? :)

Well I can see you don't have *any* idea what is going on here !

Would you care to post something a little more illuminating than your incorrect opinion? Or are you just gonna flop around over there and keep insisting that "everything is going to be okay" like Fox News says?

And, you never answered my question.

Have YOU looked for a job lately, Dennis?

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Ewe Sheep, several years ago I took an "inactive" card with my Operating Engineers Union because all that 750 million,(or was it billions) that Obama borrowed from China to jump start our economy basically did nothing. I was called by my BA last week and he begged me to become active again next month,and said he could guarantee me 9 months solid journeymans work with one company. He was referring to the new by-pass thats being built south of Chicago for the huge amount of work. I've scraped by for years at my present job making ends meet but now that $44.75 per hour sounds nice especially with a daughter in college. In some areas the economy is growing but the rural areas like Decatur maybe not so much.
Well, I guess it just a question of where you live and what you do. They were supposed to start re working the I-17 freeway here in Phoenix. We had gone to the annual meetings where ADOT assured us that the plans were done and the financing was in place.

Now this project has been pushed back to 2022 or 2024. The rumor is that when President Obama came to Phoenix, the Governor met him at the tarmac, gave him a lecture and shook her finger in his face. Pffft. There went the federal funds for our freeway.

It was a "shovel ready" project, but I guess they didn't like our shovel.

If things are so good, will they be putting an end to the food stamp program?
Rufus, with 40 million americans getting some form of govt subsidy you know cutting food stamps would cost that presidential party the next election bid. The Agriculture budget is one of the highest budgets there is and a big portion of that cost is for food stamps. The Govt gets you to depend on them for so much that if those people are threatened to lose those freebies they will abide with whatever laws are made. I know people in several towns close by,either single mothers or couples that has kids together,but will not get married because they will lose too much govt. assistance. The system sucks but who has the say as who can,and who cannot have 1 or 10 children? Who really cares because the guilty parents knows the working class will foot the bill from full medical to food and housing assistance to now forced Obamacare assistance. The true working class in this country pays for the losers and the politicians expensive lifestyles and pensions. Some of the pensions being paid to past Illinois employees is absolutely ridiculous,,,and I want to know who voted them that kind of taxpayer funded nestegg. Wasn't me,but yet I'm helping to pay for it.
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