Great Depression of 2016

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Yep Dennis, I think you stand a better chance living under a bridge than in one of those institutions. I suspect they give the people some drugs to keep them quiet. Sometimes they seem lucid and at other times they are in Lalaland. I think it depends upon when they were given their medicine.

Another place I recommend people avoid is Indian Health Service.

I go to the VA now, and so far, it seems to be alright. I go see the oncologist tomorrow, and I hope everything is alright.

The last time I was there, some fellow brought his friend in for chemo. The guy looked to be at death's door. Later I went to the men's room, and that guy was in there crying his eyes out. I guess he knew the end was near for his friend.

Death comes for everyone, so be prepared. Get rid of all of those socks that have lost their mates; you will never find the other one. Burn those old love letters from the old girl friends, otherwise, your kids will be reading them when they clean out your stuff.

Junk sticks to me like cockelburrs. I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I don't want my kids wondering "why in the Hell did he keep all of this crap."

When my parents passed away, we had to clean up their stuff. We found an old bathrobe in the back of a closet. It was a mess, but guess what, my mother had it stuffed with one dollar bills. Every day before my father went to work, he would give my mother two dollars "just in case."

I only saw her spend money one time. She bought a new Rambler car for $2,500 and paid for it in one dollar bills. She bought it from Evan Meacham who later became Governor of the State of Arizona. It took them about three hours to count all of those one dollar bills.

I have never known the term assisted living to mean anything other than a nursing home. An every one of those I have ever been in were very bad places that were clearly meant to get old an disabled people out of the way for people that were not willing to take care of their own.

Assisted Dying is a better description of them.

As with any business (nursing homes are a business) there are good ones, fair ones, and bad ones.

My wife is a charge nurse in the assisted living section of a nice retirement center.

You need to remember that the residence of the home are no longer able to care for themselves. The only ones that leave alive are the ones that go to a hospital to die. They don't get there and then get younger and better and move back home !

Picking a good nursing home is very easy. Just walk in a take a breath, if you smell urine it's not a good place, if you don't then it's probably a good place. And the price will tell you something. You don't get the same quality at McDonald's as you do at a nice expensive place. You get what you pay for !

And yes it is assisted dying, but it's better then unassisted dying. If you wish to die at home alone in pain that is your choice. But you are going to die.
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The govt. of today wants us to depend on them. EBT cards, free cell phones, assisted living, welfare for the lazy. Now with NSA almost having the authority to know when and where you go to the bathroom, traceable cell phones and e-mails,,facebook and anything else the govt deems worthy, we all are controllable to some extent. I call it invasion of privacy but uncle sam says I'm a threat to national security so they can do whatever they want to me. Politicians gets rich in this country at everyone elses expense.The Clinton Foundation comes to mind here. The butt powdering needs to stop. Perhaps this is what Helm 15 is all about,,?? To practice martial law?? Let me count the ways civil unrest at this juncture in time could lead to a national crisis,,,sorry,the page isn't large enough.
Is what I was referring to not all in plain english in my post above? (Now highlited in blue) What part of the highlited blue text don't you comprehend? Seems I defined exactly what I was talking about from the start yet I have to letter by letter,word by word re-write it for you to understand? Assisted living as in the form of govt. subsidized housing for the non-working freeloaders of society such as Cabrini-Green in Chicago consumed tax dollars like a flowing sewer pipe.
To give help or support to, especially as a subordinate or supplement; aid: The clerk assisted the judge by looking up related precedents. Her breathing was assisted by a respirator.
1. To give aid or support: Who assisted during the operation?
2. To be present, as at a conference: "Mr. Dick had regularly assisted at our councils, with a meditative and sage demeanor. He never made a suggestion but once" (Charles Dickens).
1. The act of giving aid; help:

If everything or word or phrase must be defined for you,so it's not taken out of context it leads me to wonder if your doing it just for always having an argument or wanting attention?

Nice of you to only do the one word. Try this. living

And I don't need "everything or word or phrase" defined for me. I knew right away you were using the phrase wrong.

I have found a lot of what you say is wrong, 90% of the time I just let it pass. Near the beginning of this thread you said "...the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge were commissioned by the US government during this period" when you were talking about the depression. I knew at the time I read it that it was wrong and just let it go. The Government didn't commission the Empire State Building, private business did ! The Golden Gate Bridge was in the planning long before the depression, and the depression caused it to take longer to finance.

Maybe if you stick to posting the truth you would be better off.

Did you read it all ?
I agree with you on that about 90 percent of the time if not more on the nursing homes you go there to die and a mixed bag on the assisted living places. In my area there are several Nursing homes and a few assisted living places. the assisted living in this case is either a wing or floor of a nursing home or an apartment building usually tied in with a nursing home (same property, different buildings) the apartments are in essence set up with a housekeeper and nurses whom come by on a certain schedule. sometimes it might be a person has a nurse 2-3 times a week make sure they are not sick hurt or needing some sort of assistance (meals bathing house cleaning etc) and a house keeper once a week for more deep cleaning like cleaning the bathroom thoroughly and sweeping/moping the kitchen. up to shy of nursing home care. meaning you go to a dining room for all meals and need help daily with dressing/undressing bathing meds dispensed. in those instances the person pays in essence for a motel room and gets home health care a couple of hours a day and eats at the motel's on site restaurant. BTW I have no idea on numbers but one would think knowing the prices of the assisted living places I wonder why more elderly don't just get a motel room to live in for a while and do just that.....
I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, Dennis says there's nothing wrong with the system, things are working perfectly, and we're just going to keep going on this perpetual "up cycle" economy.

Y'all should calm down and listen to Dennis.

Clearly, he's got this on lock down.


Well, let's not quibble about the definition of a term. I am pretty sure we all understand that dependence upon government support is the problem. We are just running out of the rich people to loot from, and now we have to turn to the working class for taxes. The more we work, the more we get taxed, so there is a disincentive to work.

About half the people in this country pay no income tax. They say they do, but then they file and get everything back. Some even get the earned income credit.

Yes, I am retired and living on my social security. But, I figure I have it coming; I paid for it. But then again, so does everyone else. We all think we have something coming. And that is the problem. We have accept the fact that we have been snookered.

There is no free lunch.

Some of us are more dependent upon public support than others. Some have lived on the dole for generations. When the system cannot or will not continue to provide for the social parasites, then things will get really ugly. The Watts riots will seem to be a Sunday school picnic in comparison.

I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere near a Wally World the day that the government doesn't fund those EBT cards.
I've known plenty of people who were looking for jobs, couldn't find one, and simply gave up... They decided it was easier to live off the never-ending benefits than continue the depressing search for rejections.

But I can understand their outlook, especially when the AVERAGE age of the American minimum wage employee is creeping up to 35 and it's easier to get into an Ivy League school than it is to get hired at McDonald's. 'Murica!

Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)

It used to be that fast food workers were teenage kids. Now it is different; it is mostly immigrants working behind the counter. I don't know how it is where you live, but here you just about have to speak Spanish to order a burger.

Of course, when management builds its team, they pick people that can communicate in the same language, so that leaves the English speaking kids out of the running for jobs.

A lot of immigrants live together, and I guess it has always been that way with new comers. They live ten to twenty to a house and share expenses and keep a common kitchen. They depend upon the food stamp program and other social welfare programs, but they pay precious little in income taxes. They usually file W-4's as exempt.

This has caused the fast food and other service industries to pay low wages. But if they did pay a living wage, where would the money come from?

It can't come out of profits, because that would impede their company's financing. No one loans to a loosing company. The company can cheapen their product, but that begins a death spiral. You can cheat the customer once, but then they never come back.

The only logical solution is to increase the price of the product. Just how much the customer is willing to pay is the question. When the price goes up, the clientele goes elsewhere.

Sure, the people running companies like McDonalds make big bucks. But they make that money off of franchise sales and fees and selling goods to the franchise owners. Their relationship with the employees of franchises is nil.

I don't know what the answer is, but I have a feeling we will find out soon.
Used to be teenage kids... absolutely. Now it's a single mother's second job to make ends meet... and barely at that.

The Dollar Menu is catching up to the rest of the world, it seems!

Ironically, my minor was Spanish. Good thing, too, because it seems that's becoming the popular language in los Estados Unidos.

Viva la raza!

My kids spoke and understood Spanish when they were young. But when they went to public school, they dropped it like a hot rock. Now they wish they had kept it up.

When I was young, the teachers used to hit kids for speaking in anything but English. The Indian kids had it worse. They came right off of the reservation without a word of English. They were always getting hit.

My wife went to parochial school and learned English from the Irish nuns. Sometimes she says the strangest things.
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