Great Depression of 2016

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I see the FBI finally got a search warrant to allow them to read the e mails on Huma's lap top computer. It is the same machine she shared with her pervert husband. There appears to be about 650,000 items there. It is all filed under a file labeled "Life Insurance."

The Democrats want immediate release of this data, but the FBI couldn't because they had to get a warrant.

It appears that Huma is not to be found. Did she roll over on Hillary, or did she cut and run?
Huma lawyered up, has "no idea how those emails got there," and is throwing Weiner under the bus.


Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode.

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Muy interesante!

So it was the NSA that was the source of the e mails leaked to Wikileaks. Julian Assange was just their front man. The intelligence agencies of the US government were so appalled at the corruption of the Clinton crime family that they had to act. They acted after the administration popped up the DEFCON status, and that upset Mr. Putin.

The dolts at CNN have ignored the issue; but they have that deer in the headlights look. Maybe they are afraid their Clinton checks will not cash.

The leftist have tried to put the cat back into the bag, but it seems to be too little too late.

move it back to start and let the whole thing play.
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This has yet to play out. If Hillary wins the presidency, she could conceivable pardon herself and Bill. I suspect that will not happen. If she is indicted before the election, what would be the course of history? Would Kaine replace her on the ballot? Will the election be postponed? If she is elected, will she purge the intelligence agencies and the military? Who has the strong hand here? So many top military have been retired, it is hard to see who controls it.

The transfer of the 1.8 billion dollars from the Clinton accounts in the US to their account in Qatar seems to indicate that they were hedging their bets.

It is any one's guess.
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