Great Depression of 2016

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Assange came out today and opined that Trump won't be "allowed" to win. I have no doubt he will win the popular vote and contest it just like Al Gore did (which I guess was the precedent "threat to democracy?").

It's speculated that Obama will pardon her before he exits office... But how can you pardon someone if they just "made a mistake" and didn't do anything illegal? That's forgiveness, not a Presidential pardon.

If Hillary is indicted, Kaine could replace her... Or the DNC may shove Biden into the spotlight or maaaaybe even resurrect the Bern.

If she's elected, I imagine there will be a mass exodus of intelligence (HA). Comey had a stack of resignation letters on his desk that got bigger DAILY after he recommended that no one bring charges in Hillary's case. Comey's wife opened up about his depression when his people started resigning.

And good on whoever broke ranks and leaked this excellent information to the media.... not that it's receiving any coverage.

And as for who controls it... "He who has the gold makes the rules."

Look no farther than the Rothschilds. :) Soros is small time compared to them.

It looks like the globalist want to bring the US down. Globalism looks good if you are working in rice paddy and making a dollar a day, but it would bring the whole western world down to that level.

I am sorry, I have seen poverty on a massive scale, and I do not want it again. Those who create and produce are the ones that deserve the good life style. Those that live a life of idleness and follow a religion of hatred and murder deserve what they get. They shall not live as leeches on those that work and produce.

The world does not belong to Bilderbergers. There will be no new world order.
The people of Britain said no to the new wold order when they voted to get out of the European Union. People want to make decisions for themselves, not to be dictated to by the elites.

When I was a kid in church, they quoted from the bible "And the truth will set you free." Later in life, I found that the truth will send you to jail.

Hillary said when she got mad after the interview with Matt Lauer where he asked and unscripted question, she yelled "If that ******* gets in, we will all hang in nooses."

Not a bad idea in my mind.
If Comey does not indict Hillary, and Trump wins, Obama cannot pardon someone that was not charged. Then, the other shoe will drop after January 20th.

Let's see how this plays out.
Katie Hopkins said as much lol. Have you seen that clip?

I have not, but I did steal it from the Internet-at-large.

If Comey does not indict Hillary, and Trump wins, Obama cannot pardon someone that was not charged. Then, the other shoe will drop after January 20th.

Let's see how this plays out.

As far as Hillary is concerned, she's pretty much been convicted by the court of public opinion. How anyone could vote for her blatant corruption is beyond me. She's accepting gifts from foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation DURING her tenure as Secretary of State. No one cares.

I actually saw a yard sign... Clinton/Kaine 2016. It was like spotting a unicorn.

A unicorn that will raise your taxes, steal your children, start WWIII with Russia, and molest the interns.

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She may still come out ahead in this. So many say "But she is a woman." If she manages to pull it off by hook or crook, I don't thing the military will allow her to take office.

It may be a good time to be in southern Chile or the Australian out back.
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