Great to be here!

Rebeka S

Apr 25, 2016
Hi Everyone in (BYC), I'm Rebeka, I'm from Brazil and I am very excited to be here. Myself and my wonderful, handsome, Irish Husband live in the west of Ireland, and we have started keeping poultry, since we got married. My husband has kept poultry all his life, therefore has a lot of experience. Now we started our own flock with a pair of ducks and we are an ever growing ''mini'' farm! 26 til this morning, with 5 new chicks waiting for the sixth! So, hopefully 32 by tomorrow.
We've already had some losses and beautiful new lives! I believe in respecting every living being and I do treat my animal friends as children! Hard not to, when they are so cute! We have Chickens: Silkies, Brahma, Leghorn, Gold Phoenix and Road Island Red. Ducks: White calls, Appleyard miniature and crested and pair of Khaki mix. And their offspring. We just had baby ducklings that we had to foster and we've learnt a big deal over the past few weeks and I'm excited to share with you guys our experience and journey. Our 'children' are Otto, our dog and Cooley our tabby cat. It's very nice to meet you.
Hi Rebeka and
- glad to have you onboard with us. It sure sounds like you have the chicken / duck bug good and proper.

You'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre (even if you have lots of experience), and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

All the best

Hi Rebeka, sounds like you have a really nice, mixed flock.

Thanks for joining us!
Thanks everyone for the welcome wishes! I'm happy to announce that it was a successful hatch of 6 out of 7 under our gorgeous foster mummy black silkie some are seabright chicks and some we lost track of what they are hahahaha. We went to a friend and got loooooooads of hatching eggs. It's new to me that a chick could be so colourful. We always think of chickens all lovely and yellow.. We got some grey ones, yellow and grey, but the yellow and dark brown ones are wonderful!! Pictures will follow soon!
Thanks for having me! x
I know I promised pics of the little chicks, but it was a really rainy day and couldn't take pics outside. But really gotta share this pic with you guys for a cuteness moment! Go ahead and say... Awwww!

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