Green beans


Apr 12, 2022
Okay, question about canned cooked vegetables for chickens. I give my chickens fresh fruit like strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, spinach and lettuce, but have never given them any Veges other than pumpkin. So wanting to give my girls something good for them, I read cooked green beans are fine for them. …but not thinking about the sodium content, I gave my 6 hens a whole can of green beans. I don’t plan on doing this again, just looking for some reassurance that someone else has done this without any adverse effects!
Thanks all
I'm sure they'll be fine. My chickens fight my cats for macaroni and cheese when I throw leftovers out. :lol:
The little cannibals will fight for chicken leftovers too! 😳:lau
Okay, question about canned cooked vegetables for chickens. I give my chickens fresh fruit like strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, spinach and lettuce, but have never given them any Veges other than pumpkin. So wanting to give my girls something good for them, I read cooked green beans are fine for them. …but not thinking about the sodium content, I gave my 6 hens a whole can of green beans. I don’t plan on doing this again, just looking for some reassurance that someone else has done this without any adverse effects!
Thanks all
I would be concerned about the volume (>10% daily intake) and the sodium level. However, I would not expect any long term issue from the one time feeding.

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