Green egg layers


Mar 2, 2016
Northern Lower MI
I went out this am and collected 9 eggs. We have 2 easter eggers out of 15 total chickens. We saw the one that lays a blueish egg had already laid and I told the kids maybe the other one that lays olive green eggs would lay later today. I went out a couple hours later and found 3 more eggs, 2 of them olive green. One in the nest and one out in the middle of the coop floor. I'm wondering if any of the other breeds could lay a green egg? (Or maybe ms olive green layer was just over enthusiastic today :D). I have rhode Island reds, speckled sussex, brown leghorns, easter eggers, light brahama, buff orpingtons and golden laced wynadotte.
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Sounds like one of your Easter Eggers started laying a few days ago and the eggs didn’t get collected. Happened to me once with 2 Leghorn pullets. By the time I relized they were laying I had half a dozen eggs in the bedding.
I can totally see why you'd think that. Except we have been collecting eggs 3-4 times a day for weeks now :) and had cleared the coop of all eggs (including one green one) 2 hours before the other 2 green ones showed up.

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