Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

Well just a couple of days after this post my Green Egger NN finally started laying again.

In about 2 1/2 weeks hoping all 9 of her eggs hatch.

I never got the green eggs I was wanting to get for setting this time around. Trying to add new bloodlines, but hoping to be able to locate some for a panned hatch in September.
Not good news on this project.
On March 3, I set a total of 9 eggs laid in a 13 day period. Just candied at one week. Only 1 out of the 9 was even fertile. Just a bit over 11% fertile.

This will call for a another fertility check in 6 weeks after this hatch to see if it is rooster problem. I've moved him into another run and put another 5 hens in with him. If that turns out well then I'll know it is a problem with my hen.

There will be a search on for some more green eggs to hatch along with the next hatch.
Well the one fertile egg that was left just hatched.

Now the waiting game to see if it will be a pullet or cockerel.

The most surprising thing about it is that it looks like it is going to be solid blue. There are no chipmunk stripes or other marking on it that I can tell.

I'll give it a few days to see if anything magically appears.

I'll try to remember to get a picture tomorrow when I pull them fro. The incubator.
Well this one turned out to be a fully feathered baby.

Oh well if it is a pullet And lays green eggs I'll keep it and raise some NN from it.
Well after drying out good, I don't know what color it's going to be. I've kept it for now to watch it grow. I'll probably sell it off before it reaches breeding age.

Here's a picture:

Just going to watch to see how and what color it's going to be.

I'm going to give up on this project though. It had been very disappointing to me. Things just aren't working out.

I'm going to switch directions and work on other things.

Any and all are welcome to use this thread if you are working on a project like this. I'll post a couple if updates with pictures as this baby continues to grow.
The little one is starting to look like it is going to be a Partridge color.

I'll update the photo in a few days.
Picture day.
Even though it's not naked necked, both parents were. Keeping things updated in case I hang in a keep the project going.


Looks like I may get a Blue Partridge color on this little one. I'm thinking a cockerel.
Well may be good news fir this project. I was able to get some green eggs from some Green Egger Naked Necks today. Not sure if the offspring will retain the green egg gene or not but going to give it another go.

I'll be setting real early May.
Well may be good news fir this project. I was able to get some green eggs from some Green Egger Naked Necks today. Not sure if the offspring will retain the green egg gene or not but going to give it another go.

I'll be setting real early May.
I have so many green turken naked neck eggs that I'm practically giving them away now. Let me know if you want some shipped from Washington.

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