Green eggs...Ameraucanas...auarcanas....EE's....whatever...questions


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Charleston, SC
So I saw a picture of chicken eggs and I swear they were a dark olive green color. Of course I didn't save it and can't find a similar thing again. I **want** a few hens to add to the flock that lay a darker green color. That's if there is such a thing and I'm not crazy....Any advice from the egg color experts out there. I think it would be cool to have light brown, dark green, blue eggs. Again it's a want and not a need. Thanks:D
When an EE that lays blue eggs is crossed with a Rhode Island Red the resultant pullet will lay dark green/olive colored eggs. I'm certain there must be other combos.
Crossing birds that lay darker brown eggs (Barnvelder, Maran, Penedesenca, or Welsummer) with a blue or blue green layer such as an Araucana, Ameraucana, or Easter Egger, will produce darker olive egg layers.
I have a single hen that lays olive eggs, not really dark. I am raising chicks from her that are fathered by marans, so the next generation should lay quite a bit darker olive color. Here is what the hen lays like.

and here is how big her babies are already. They should be laying in the spring, if you are interested in eggs from them. I am shooting for barred olive eggers, with beards and pea combs. Right now not all are barred, not all are bearded and not all have pea combs. At least it is a start. The barring is so you can sex the day olds and not waste a ton of feed on roo chicks unless you want to.

My four hens and their roo were bought as fertile eggs for hatching by the elementary school classroom teacher in my town as Black Ameraucana's and they really did grow into that by looks but they lay those olive green or pink eggs, 2 hens pink, 2 hens green. I wanted more so dry hatched some of their eggs and now have five chicks fully feathered. I could ship fertile eggs from the green layers only if you'd like or find someone a lot closer to your state to do so. I'm not sure that all five chicks are going to be pullets/hens as I think at least two look like young cockerels already. Since mine do not lay blue eggs, they are EE's...although, lately one hen's green eggs are a bluer color when dry but if you wet the egg, it is olive green again and as it dries, it is again a light blue?!

Here's my nearly one year old hens:

Here's their young'uns:
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Hey onthespot,

Yes I like those....and the barred ones would be cool. Just let me know when you have some eggs. I'm interested in hatching some this spring.

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