Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

Spent the better part of the afternoon finally drawing up some properly scaled plans.

The sad beginnings of the plan.
That area next to the coop will have herbs, other side of the path will be a patio area. Path will circle around the tree.


Forgot I had some more pictures!

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Spring cleaning is always fun and I've lots of ideas. Just wish I had some money to pay people to help with the labor. I'm the only gardener in the house.

Youngest DD might help but she's having a baby.

Granddaughter was here yesterday but she's only 3. Helped me picked Dandelion flowers but we play to much. Oh to roll in the grass and laugh. Nothing gets done when she's here.
My peach tree is loaded this year.. I'm really hoping some will make it. I always lose them somehow.

I saw a few that had crystalized peach juice on the outside. I picked one and it had a grub on the surface.
Not the first time I've had them. Really don't want to use chemicals.
My peach tree is loaded this year.. I'm really hoping some will make it. I always lose them somehow.

I saw a few that had crystalized peach juice on the outside. I picked one and it had a grub on the surface.
Not the first time I've had them. Really don't want to use chemicals.

I suggest you use a netting or gauze to wrap around the fruit when it first begins to form. Of course you can not do the whole tree but enough to give you fruit for what you will use.
You will NOT believe this. I was clearing an area in the back yard near the woods and there down behind a tree is a shrub that is a Currant bush. It's undeniable currants. I've been working to get my own established and here they are growing wild.
I have a cucumber beetle plan this year. I am interplanting all my cuberits w/ non yellow colored flowers (like morning glories or poppies) then away from where the cuberits are growing I plan on haveing a large big row of bright yellow big as life sunflowers (which they can't harm) I'm hoping to camaflage the yellow cuberit flowers and distract away from the garden w/ the large sunflowers. Has anyone tried something similar to this?? Any success??
I suggest you use a netting or gauze to wrap around the fruit when it first begins to form. Of course you can not do the whole tree but enough to give you fruit for what you will use.

I actually learned at my permaculture meeting that I can use kaolin clay with water to spray the fruit with :-D Organic pestcontrol. Yay.
Morning all , everything is growing; rather slowly though.
My peony tree has the most beautiful flowers on it.
Got an email that my honey berry plants are finally being shipped this week. I can't wait.
Finally getting a little rain today so at least I don't have to water.
Harvested my first batch of comfrey today. I am not feeding this batch to the chickens though, I am going to ferment it, then add some liquid Ca++ I made from my girls eggshells, and LAB then fertilize my garden w/ it, especially the tomatoes. My home made fertilizer should be ready in about 2 weeks.

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