Greenfire Farms imported Jill Rees Cream Legbar chicks


Poultry People
10 Years
Aug 10, 2012
Paw Paw, Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
I have Cream Legbar hatching eggs, adults, and chicks available. They are from pure Greenfire Farms Jill Rees Cream Legbar lines. The Cream Legbar chicken lays blue eggs, has a crest on their head, and is autosexing (you can tell males and females apart at hatch). I was able to obtain some of the first ones available as chicks. The parents were hatched in August 2014 and have been laying for a couple months. I already have chicks from them. I am NPIP certified through Michigan. Adults have some variation in color, but have been consistently cream.

I cannot guarantee the best price. I can guarantee they come from great quality. These come from the Rees Lines and I've culled out the ones that do not meet the standards I'm looking for. They're not perfect, but they're 10 times better than any other Legbars I've raised (I've raised Lines A, B, and C from Greenfire and have decided to only keep the Rees lines). I started with 28 last August straight from Greenfire. They sent a mix of some that were way too light, some with poor body type, some that laid olive eggs, several issues. So, I have culled all but 1/3 of them. Now, I have two small pens of about 5 birds each (I have 11 breeding Legbars left). My goal is to improve the breed each generation--working for better and better birds.

Cream Legbars are autosexing, but I offer them straight run or female only. For straight run, whatever proportion hatches is the proportion you get (if they hatch 60% female, you get 60% females, if they hatch 60% males, you get 60% males, etc.)

Chicks (available on a limited basis-please PM for details):
$10 cockerels
$20 each straight run
$30 females

Please feel free to ask if you should have any other questions!
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"They are from pure Greenfire Farms." I think it's great when farmers support each other and help grow a breed's popularity. Keep up the good work. #12
The minimum order for chicks is 10 to provide enough warmth in shipping. If you order at least 5, but less than 10, I can still send the order. However, in that case, I charge a little extra and supply the additional chicks with extra males to make up the 10 total. Please let me know if you have any ther questions!

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