Greetings from a new Chicken Friend 😂


Aug 21, 2023
South NJ
I’m new to the chicken world and trying to learn as much as I can my chickens come this weekend the 26th with two coming ( a total of 8) will be here in next two days!
It’s me my husband and are Dogs / cats and soon to be chickens!
My husband is building the coop and we have a large tote. Like 4 foot long ? And like 24 inches wide? Hoping this is large enough
I have two of 4 different breeds to see what we like the best and decide what we want to do whether for eggs / meat/ pets/ breeding …
Anyway hope to talk to many of you soon I have loads of chicken questions!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Sounds like it might be cramped, chickens need 5 Sq ft per bird in the coop, 10 Sq ft in the run. Chickens turn cannibalistic when they dont have enough personal space. Definitely post some photos so we can see what you've got.

Welcome to our community!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Sounds like it might be cramped, chickens need 5 Sq ft per bird in the coop, 10 Sq ft in the run. Chickens turn cannibalistic when they dont have enough personal space. Definitely post some photos so we can see what you've got.

Welcome to our community!
I think she's talking about chicks in that tote, as she said her husband is building a coop. But good advice for him anyway! ☺️

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