Greetings from Kentucky!


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
middle earth
Hi. I've been reading this website for several months and it has taught me everything I know about chickens. In a little more than a week I will be getting 26 chicks. We are so excited; it's like waiting for Christmas as a little kid! I have a lot of questions and I know many more to come after my chicks arrive. I am trying to prepare myself as best as possible for what is to come but I won't have a feel for things until my new flock arrives.

My name is Rachel & I work at a race track. I am in school studying Agriculture and Horticulture; not sure where it will take me but I hope to aid in getting genetically modified foods labeled. I think that our food system is seriously dangerous for us and the Earth. All I want to do for the rest of my life is live off my 2 1/2 acres in the country is grow food, sell food, and preserve food. Hopefully one day, I will lead a community garden. I try and live as organically as possible. I use herbs instead of drugs and hope to introduce herbs to the farmer's marketers.
Nice to have you!
Hi All,
I am new to this forum and new to raising chickens. My husband and I live in central KY. We have 2 Welsommers and 4 Dominiques that are 5 days old. They are the cutest things!

I am enjoying reading many of the posts and learning all I can from you all


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