Greetings from Maine!

Hi and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us :ya

I'm not a fan of sand in the brooder, I use wood shavings. Also consider electric fencing around your coop and run.

Good to be here! As for sand, sounds like most people I've heard from seem to lean towards waiting til they're out in the coop/run, so I may go that route.

I like the electric fence idea... except I have a 2 year old who I'd rather not zap. I'm sure he'd learn his lesson pretty quick, but I just can't bring myself to teach it to him! Will be using hardware cloth for a durable fence though.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens, I second the motion that you need to have electrified fencing, and ramp it up high. Sounds like you have some of the worst predators that will be eyeballing your flock. If there is a way in to them - they will find it. You may also need covered run if raptors are in the area.

Further comment in another post re: adding safety for your child.
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Maybe you could put a regular fence around the electrified one, to keep your child away.
Hardware cloth is great is most applications but, preds can dig under, jump over, or work at finding the weakest link. By that I mean any place no matter how small is not as well secured as it should be.
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