Greetings from northern Massachusetts!


9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
Westford, MA
I'm new to BYC, but have been popping in for a long time to research my chickens' issues. And to make myself feel better that I'm not the only crazy chicken lady out there. I've learned a lot here, and really enjoy the stories people post.

Raising chickens wasn't my idea, and was never in my life plans. You know how little kids go to the 4-H fair and come home begging for a bunny, or a guinea pig, or even a bearded dragon? One of my kids came home a few years ago and announced that the only way she would ever be happy was if she had a pet chicken. A black one, to be specific, one that liked being held and petted. Somehow, she talked her father into building a coop (well, he wanted a shed anyway...), and we found ourselves the proud owners of a very small flock of rare breed chickens. Chickens which somehow have become MY responsibility, of course. But a funny thing happened along the way. I grew to adore them, and now can't imagine my life without them. I spend more hours than I care to admit hanging out with my peeps.

Currently, we have a crevecoeur hen (who at this writing lives indoors - long story), a redcap and partridge cochin hens, and a white-crested black Polish rooster (who was supposed to be a hen, and weren't WE surprised when he crowed!). We lost our beloved buttercup to a sudden illness a year ago. We're about to adopt a few ameraucanas, a black silkie, and a cuckoo marans - ALL of which will live outside, thank you very much. Hopefully the crevecoeur will follow suit.

As a side note, we're very grateful for our understanding suburban neighbors who don't mind the rooster waking them up at 4:45. (Unlike my husband, who would like that bird to disappear forever.)
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from Washington!!

I know how you feel!! I fell in love with them too, they have a way of stealing our hearts!!

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