Greetings from OK


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
Broken Arrow, OK
My Coop
My Coop
I've been stalking this site for the past few weeks and decided to sign up. In August we plan to get our first two hens - Buff Orpingtons. Coop parts arrive on Monday and then I have a little fence work to do in the backyard.

This is a great website and I'm happy to be part of the chicken raising community.

Mark S.
Welcome to BYC! We're glad you joined!
I've been stalking this site for the past few weeks and decided to sign up. In August we plan to get our first two hens - Buff Orpingtons. Coop parts arrive on Monday and then I have a little fence work to do in the backyard.

This is a great website and I'm happy to be part of the chicken raising community.

Mark S.
Broken Arrow??? My bestie lives there! Beautiful community. You made out ok with the tornadoes I hope? Anyhoo...welcome! Buffs are so very sweet! Lots of helpful folks here!
Thanks, all. Our coop arrives in the mail today and then I'll examine the pop hole on it and determine just how big of a bird that we can accommodate. We might steer toward Plymouth Rock bantams.

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