Greetings from someone going in Circles


6 Years
Jun 27, 2013
the Woods of Western Maine
When I was 17 I left the farm for the bright lights of the city and swore never to live on a farm again. Now I'm 58 and what have I gone and done? Live in the woods and bought half a dozen chickens! And even worse, joined a chicken forum. Who was it said, "What we resist, we become."? Seriously, glad to be a part of the community and I LOVE my chickens.
Welcome to BYC. So true that 'the grass is not always greener the other side of the fence.' Sometimes it only seems that way.
well going in circles is better than going in squares - you'll be just fine. I'm 65 and though I swore I would never be like her - yet, when I open my mouth my mother;s words come ou.

Not only her words but, I realize why she say and did things. I've even picked up my late father's habits even though I criticized them all the time. You get insights too late in in life, we could have gotten along a lot better..
It's great to be able to "talk chicken" with people who relate to that somewhat quirky fascination with our feathered comedians. It's been raining for days here and there is a puddle in the chicken run in front of the gate. My girls get to free range sometimes but yesterday they wouldn't go out the gate because they had to cross the puddle. Guess that's actually smart of them: they can't swim (can they?) and they don't know deep that puddle is. . . .

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