Greetings from the crazy chicken lady

Queen of the chickens

8 Years
Oct 7, 2011
Unionville, MO
Hello, I have been lurking around BYC all summer, but just got around to becoming a member. I have been married to my High School sweet heart for almost 22 years and have two sons, one of which still lives at home and is in 4-H. I ordered my first chickens in the Spring of 2008, not long after we moved to our 17 acres in North Central Missouri. Not really knowing anything about chickens, I just ordered 15 assorted brown layer pullets. It was love at first peep.

I currently have a mixed flock of 38 standard pullets and 3 standard cockerels. They include a trio of Silver Laced Wyandottes and two pairs of Golden Laced Bearded Polish, 6 Black Astrolorps, 6 Easter Eggers, 4 Cuckoo Marans, 3 Black Marans, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 3 Partridge Cochin, 3 White Leghorns, 2 Brown Leghorns, 2 California Whites, and 2 White Crested Black Polish.

My son picked out the Polish and Cochin for his 4-H project. He also purchased a trio of Mille Fluer Belgian d'Uccle Bantams. His Mille Fluer Rooster took 4-H/FFA Grand Champion Fowl at our County Fair and one of his Golden Laced Polish Cockerels was the Reserve Champion. (So exciting!) Our next adventure will be incubating and hatching. (I am going to ask Santa for an incubator for Christmas!)

Along with Chickens we also have a 15 year-old Siberian Husky, a 4 year-old Samoyed, a 2 year-old Samoyed mix, an amazing cat, and 5 of the cutest rabbits ever. While I enjoy all the animals, the chickens are my passion, bordering on obsession. I take good care of them and they reward me with beautiful, delicious eggs and hours of entertainment. Spending a few minutes with them is better than Prozac. They keep me from really being a "crazy chicken lady".
Hello from Australia!!!!

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