'Grey' chickens, what are we? *updated with better pics*


De Regenboog Kippetjes
13 Years
Apr 7, 2010
i thought EE's but now realise one pullet has yellow legs, one has pink, dont ee's have grey/slate:greeny legs? (sorry about the pic quality, field is flooded so cant get too close and had to really zoom in with the camera)


also two roo's , i dont know if they are related to the pullets or not, seller said no but the all grey roo looks very similar to the girls. would they just be mutts?



also are the brown hens here also ee's?

EDIT - better pics!

grey roo -

grey pullet -

coloured roo -
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Hard to tell from the pictures but EE's can have any color legs since they are a cross breed. Your rooster looks like he might be a blue wheaten cross. He looks a lot like my rooster.
you sure weren't kidding about flooded fields, it looks like Venice. You just need a few gondolas. I didn't know chickens would wade thru such deep water.
have you ever seen a chicken swim? i saw my first one today, an australorp roo wanted to get to the food quicker than the rest, so instead of walking round with the others, he swam through the water! if only id got it on camera, took him a while to dry off but he seems none the worse for his swim!
I have had my chickens get in to the pool on occasion and it is hilarious to see them swimming around like ducks. Once the oil washes off their feathers, they will get lower and lower in the water until the sink.
about the flooding.

Those look like Brahma crosses and Araucana crosses (easter eggers)

The thing to remember is that in your country, there's only Araucanas and mutts, the Araucanas being able to have beard/muffs, crests, tufts, tail, no tail, etc.

The EE's with grey/green legs rule is usually in America because of hatcheries. In other countries any EE is usually an Araucana crossed with something else.
asking about the blue EE's...???

those pictures are gorgeous... they are so relaxed and chill in the water... i hope you don't mind if i save some...
Some of those birds look like tailed araucanas to me. Are you getting blue/green/slate eggs? (especially the last blue pullet!)
The water is so surreal! What crazy pictures- I don't know if my birds would go out in that. Very cool!
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of course i dont mind
i think they are used to the water now, its the second time in 8 weeks we've had major flooding over here

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